Another Visit From Home

Posted on Thursday, 15 November 2012

So today marked the day when a professor from back in England came to visit.

At first I was quite scared it would be really awkward, and I was also a bit worried because I had an essay due and really needed to get back to it.

However, it was really nice. The teacher was lovely! She offered to buy me lunch even! We talked for quite a bit, there was the occasional awkward silence, but it was usually quite natural. I even got her to talk about Benedict Cumberbatch! Score!

She asked me if everything was ok at University and I had to keep repeating myself and telling her I was fine. There was nothing worrying me about University and I was just enjoying myself immensely. I discovered I had been taking more classes than I needed to (even if I wanted to continue editing) but I really didn't mind. It means a) that I get to experience everything I want to whilst here and b) each course counts as less and less.

We started talking about my year abroad project. I thought I had to do it on something I am studying...something historical...something to do with literature. No. It just has to have something to do with the Americas. Literally anything. I could do it on the frequent attacks by killer whales on their owners in recent years. OR...OR, wait for it, wait for it, I could do it on Benedict Cumberbatch and his impact on America or about Doctor Who's relevance in Britain compared to its relevance in the United States. I am going to have fun with this project.

On another note my lovely professor heard about my love of editing and said she was sure she could talk to our head of department whether I would be able to enrol in the internship program whilst I am abroad which means instead of doing courses I would do an internship at a television station or something along those lines. I am going to go and investigate at the careers centre tomorrow.

I also played Water Polo yesterday for the first time since being here. It was so much fun. It was with a whole bunch of people I didn't know so I made lots of new friends including with those on the opposite team. We even swapped team mates at half time as a joke. It was a new type of water polo too, I was in a rubber tyre! it was hilarious! But my backstroke came in handy. It was surprisingly hard work in all the areas that you never use in Water Polo! It was great. I got asked by a girl I met briefly in the first week of term as I was walking to the laundry room, so I abandoned my laundry basket and ran off to get changed - my swimming costume was still wet from surfing and my legs ached from yoga - but I was off. It was really nice! Good day.

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