Sunny Seascapes

Posted on Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Ok, I have to keep you updated on my surfyness!
I stood up again! Quite a few times. The sea was really calm today so it was quite nice being able to paddle out and catch waves without being petrified that you were going to be thrown into the sea and have salt literally invade every single part of you.
It was good fun but a bit chilly. I may have to invest in a full wetsuit after all. Although when ever anyone asked me if I was cold I kept doing the manly British thing and saying "No, I am fine. You're forgetting I swim in the channel."
Yeah. I don't think I have ever swum in the channel. Mum and Dad never took us to the seaside in England. Mum's idea of a holiday was not a beach in England, it was a beach abroad. I am very grateful for this!
I also scared one of my friends quite a lot when I turtled quite a few waves. Turtled being flipping under your board to avoid being smacked by waves if you don't remember. I suddenly realised someone was swimming frantically over to me and so I popped up thinking the waves must have gone by now only to receive
"Um, avoiding the waves."
"I thought you were dead! How big are your lungs!"
Note to self. People aren't away quite yet that I am part fish.
I have started to make some really close friends in my surf classes though which makes me so happy.

Meanwhile, my friend Betty and I have decided to set our goals high and start training for a marathon. Laura, Betty and I ran for roughly an hour last night down to the beach and along the sea. It is rather interesting running in the dark particularly when you pass cars which suddenly have shining lights inside and you get lost on the way down to the beach and begin to take unlit paths which look suspiciously like they are taking you towards cliff edges. We then all walked back up the hill talking about girly things and having a good laugh. It felt good. I have never been a runner though so I don't know if I'll be able to stick to it.

In other news two of my friends have booked flights out to come and see me! I am so excited and flattered they are spending their money that way! It is so sweet of them! I have the best friends :)

Week 7 is almost up. Weird to think I am nearly a month away from coming home. Time to start pampering myself I guess...

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