Sneaky Spanish Friends...
Posted on Friday, 9 November 2012
My Spanish friends are so hilarious.
Well one of the girls is Spanish, the other is Portuguese.
Today they followed one of my friends outside because they thought he was hot. He was a friend of mine from the swimming pool and as I was getting a cup of tea I saw them follow him outside. The next thing I know we are sitting around his dinner table, bothering him, bugging him, and disturbing his perfectly fine dinner (well fine until we came and disturbed him).
When I sat down the first question Catalina (Spanish) asked was "So what kind of girls do you like?"
I could have died. I literally could have died.
These questions were proceeded with,
"Have you ever been to an international house party? You should come. What's your number? I dont have my phone on me right now....but Melissa might do."
I literally turned to her and my mouth dropped open. I couldn't quite believe how blatant she was, she literally came out and said it. And then I began to realise what was going on...she was going to try and set me up. I couldn't believe it.
"So do you know our names?"
"Errr, well I know Melissa."
"OooooOOooo why do you know Melissa's name and not ours, is she more memorable?"
I wanted to physically throttle her to the ground. I quickly interjected,
"I go swimming everyday, that's why."
Meanwhile kicking her under the table.
The poor guy never even finished his food before he scuttled away. He even stated how weird a situation this was.
Sometimes these different cultures really surprise me. I have learnt a lot about them whilst I have been here. Sometimes this is a bad thing though, for example, my stereotypes have been reaffirmed and new stereotypes have been formed.
But I'll talk about that at a later date...