Posted on Sunday, 18 November 2012
Hullabaloo is an exciting event that takes place at UCSD every year. A massive funfair comes to campus and a massive party is thrown outside with huge rides, stalls, and a massive stage with some wrapper and dj playing beats all night long.
What had happened previously that night had put me in a very good mood so I knew I would have a good time in the evening. We had a little bit of fun at our apartment where one of our friends got very tipsy and shared a lot. It had been rather hilarious. I tell you, American openness...has no boundaries. When we finally got going to Hullabaloo, it looked incredible. The stalls were up and had lines of people outside them and the music was pumping.
We waited for one of the rides. FOREVER. Literally, forevvvverrrr. We were playing with the leaves whilst Betty took lots of photos (she is an amazing photograph and has the most beautiful camera).
The ride was so much fun (once we got on it). We whizzed around and around, clinging onto the sides and screaming like crazy. We also got a beautiful view of UCSD. After the ride, it was 11.30pm and this meant all the stalls were shut down. I was bit upset because I wanted to go to the Harry Potter stall but ah well, it couldn't have been helped. We walked back to the apartment and waited for other friends to return too. And they did. And many things happened.
Apart from being serenaded by our friend from i-walk to our window, there was a lot of lust in the air. Suddenly our friends were all making out with people (our being Betty, Catalina and me). We rather enjoyed watching all of the drama evolve and it was quite hilarious when Betty decided to get out her paparazzi camera to document the entire evening. I now have many an interesting film footage on my computer but I shall never be sharing it with anyone.
It was a very fun evening.