Guy Fawkes Night
Posted on Monday, 5 November 2012
Guy Fawkes - a concept that many Americans have not heard of.
You also receive quite a lot of odd looks when you try to explain to students especially that you are celebrating the night when a man failed to blow up the government. This is because many of them are anti-government and also because they believe it very sadistic for english people to celebrate by dressing up a dummy and throwing him onto a bonfire. However, it is an english tradition and one I was going to sorely miss...or so I thought.
Some of the English girls here, who I hadn't actually met, I seem to be out of the loop with the 'English' crew, threw a mini Guy Fawkes celebration on the beach tonight. This basically meant a bonfire with smores. It was really fun. It reached 30 degrees celsius today so the night was pretty warm and the fire burnt prettily in the night.
I was invited by my friend Andy to go, so we went along with Glennis, Eduardo and Solveig down to the beach. It was really funny. Andy, Eduardo, Glennis and I even went in the sea. We waded out through the seaweed (Which literally tried to pull us back towards the shore) and splashed around in the waves. Andy wasn't meant to get his bandages wet so he was jumping around with his hand in the air meanwhile completely soaking his full length chinos in the sea. I, luckily, was wearing shorts so didn't get any clothing wet. Meanwhile, some of the others went running into the sea in their underwear - most of these were French.
It was a really fun evening and I enjoyed it so much. Surrounding the fire we joked about the fire literally burning our eyes and getting lungs filled with smoke. I made the comparison of the bonfire being like onions and got the literal mic taken out of me for the rest of the evening by my friend Andy.
"Yeah like onions, yet really hot...and it doesn't smell like onions, and you can't breath, and you cry a lot....yeah JUST LIKE ONIONS! JUST LIKE ONIONS!"
It was just a brilliant and spontaneous night where I met a lot of new people, stepped out of my comfort zone and met lovely new people.
SIDENOTE: My friend who injured himself last Friday is absolutely fine. However, it is hilarious how much rumour spreads. One of my friends in Spanish came up to me today and said "Is it true? In I-house someone jumped out of the third floor window and broke their arm!" Errr NO.
Meanwhile, one person came up to my friend and went "Dude! I heard you committed suicide last Friday."
Clearly not.
Ohhhh the good old rumour mill.