Life's short.

Posted on Saturday, 3 November 2012

Sorry for the morbid title but it seems to be this week has really homed this message in on me.
Life is very short. And that is why we have to live it to the max. I am going to be very cliché in this blog so you may as well turn away now if you don't like cheese or sentimental comments. You have to be warned.

Firstly, my great Aunt Jean died this week. I loved her a lot and felt she was very much part of my immediate family. She always remembered our birthdays and when we saw her she was always so happy and jolly that I don't think I have ever heard a bad word about her. She was lovely and such a strong woman.

However, where this message has really arisen from is last night. One of my best friend's here got seriously injured. He jumped through a window and cut his arm. Blood is currently all over I-walk and he is in hospital. He seriously is one of the nicest guys I have ever met and seeing the blood everywhere and his friends covered in blood as they tried to help him was horrifying. My friends and I had left the party temporarily to get some diet coke from the shops and in those short twenty minutes, the RSO's had come, tried to close down the party, people had been trying to escape through a bedroom window, peer pressure mixed with excitement mixed with a lot of shoving meant my friend had been forced through the window and cue a massive blood trail, more RSO's and paramedics. Part of me wishes I had been there because I am trained in First Aid; I even went on a course only just a couple of weekends ago and I could have helped. However, you never know how you would react in that sort of situation.

The blood, the scenario, and the fact that he seriously could have died if he had managed to cut any deeper into his wrist or had cuts elsewhere made me realise that my Mum is completely right when she tells me "You could die tomorrow, live now." The incident made me remember all the things I haven't done and all the things I haven't said in my life. It made me think of all the times I have shied away from opportunities because I am scared I will be rejected and scared I will fail. But who cares right? That is the point of life. Sometimes you fail and sometimes you will be rejected but at the end of the day, you tried. And even then, you are that bit closer to winning, that bit closer to not being rejected and also, at least you know you tried. You will never look back in regret. I think I am definitely going to put that into practice from now on.

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