About time!

Posted on Wednesday, 7 November 2012

And today I rode a wave! Finally! I jumped up on the board and rode the wave into the beach! It was the last wave we were allowed to catch as well and I felt so pleased with myself! I was over the moon! Meanwhile my instructor ran across the beach yelling "WOOOOOOO GO MELISSAAAA! WOOO" Finally, he had managed to get me to stand up! I was over the moon and I was grinning like a lunatic throughout the entire day. I stood up. Once. On my fourth lesson. AND I WAS PROUD!

However, today I did realise just how dangerous the sea could be. We were swimming far out today to catch waves and ride them into the beach. I kept sitting a bit too far on my board and the waves were extremely fierce and would literally force you down into the sea. I wiped out multiple times. It meant being spun around like crazy, thrusting my arms above my head like I was taught so as not to get my head hit by my board or anyone elses. At one scary point, I reached out for the surface, and my hands hit the floor, which meant I didn't have a clue which way was up and which way was down. I ended up nearly running out of air as I was dragged across the floor before managing to jump up out of the water, gasping for air and quite shocked. The second worst wipe out was when my board crashed into my face and smacked my nose to bits. It began streaming and I felt like the most elegant person ever...not. It's a bit spewiff now but ah well :)

My seal friends also popped up again. And then the sun came out once again and everything was good!

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