Walks On the Beach

Posted on Monday, 25 February 2013

Saturday and Sunday were both beautiful here in San Diego. I can't imagine being stuck back in England where it is so cold and rainy about this time of year. Meanwhile the weather was rather glorious here, with just a tad of a chilly wind.

On Saturday, apart from working, Laura, Betty and I took a walk to Blacks Beach. It was so beautiful. The sun was setting and it just looked picturesque. After making our way down the side of the cliff, using one of the most dangerous paths I think I will ever come across, we stopped to admire the surfers who had abandoned the entire concept of a path, which led from the top of the cliff to the shores, and instead walked down the side of the cliff, wherever they fancied. It was if they loved the feeling of 'oh hello grimreaper, please, just follow me as I try and come as close to death as possible". As elegant paragliders swooped overhead, Betty, Laura and I walked along, chatting merrily away, and trying to avoid noticing the naked men (its a nude beach) - particularly the one's thinking it was a brilliant idea to try and get a bonfire going by standing over it (brave...).

That evening, I went over to Andy's for dinner. All the boys were playing poker and so I was sat down as a complete novice and was being taught how to play the game - I was a bit hopeless. Andy just kept laughing at me (he was dealer) whilst the others couldn't quite understand how I didn't understand. We had these little chip things and I just didn't know what they were on about. Couldn't we play go fish? No? Oh. Then it just developed into a game of throwing cards at one another and the other boys left to play 'real card games with alcohol' at Victor's. Andy and I then spent a good half hour trying to make the other person decide where we going to dinner. Arunav was in his bedroom and began to pitch in, yelling "Goodys" every so often...until he couldn't take it anymore, came out of his bedroom and said "You two have been sitting here, giggling for the past HALF AN HOUR not deciding where you are going to EAT! I AM HUNGRY! I WANT BURRITOS! GOODYS!" So Arunav made the decision for us.

That evening, we mainly chatted... about almost everything! I was also very lucky to be able to claim Andy's mug for the evening - biggest tea mug I have seen in my life, like it is an actual exercise to lift up! We got through three Doctor Who episodes and when it came to the last one, I asked "hang on, what's the time? I am not keeping you up am I? Is it about two?" Andy grinned and was like "In no way are you keeping me up! I am actually secretly not letting you leave. And yeah, it is about two, give or take a few minutes". Once the episode had ended....he informed me it was 5.45am in the morning! I didn't know we could talk for so long!!! It was such a fun night though! :D What a good day :D x



  1. Lissy Kiwi!!!! And today you saw him at cafe v. Aaahh besr day ever! Im gonna go to the loo!

  2. ANDY and LISSY sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G
    First comes love, then comes marrriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage
    Suckin' his thumb, wettin' his pants
    doin' the naked baby dance
    That's not all, that's not all, Betty's drinking alcohol
