I tried. Honestly, Mum, friends, I tried. You warned me I might want to keep it a secret. You warned me I might want to keep it a bit hush hush. One poster at the maximum. No talking about it continually. No wearing T-shirts.
I'm sorry. But the Whovian inside me was never really going to be silenced so easily. I remember Melanie told me, when I was fourteen, that she would bet her life that this was a faze, I'd grow out of it by the time I was seventeen, eighteen max. Ah, bless. How little faith she had in me - or more likely, how much faith she had in me.
My name is Lissy, and I love Doctor Who.
To an unprecedented level. I watch the episodes, I buy the posters, I read the books, I read the fanfictions, I watch the behind-the-scenes and the interviews. I love it. It makes me so happy. When stupid surveys ask you what your relationship status sometimes I jokily wish I could tick -
But that's me. I think I scared Laura quite a bit last week when I came back from a poster sale with 8 posters of Doctor Who. They already knew. The t-shirts, the talking about it, the mentions of it. My housemates knew I was a massive fan already. But eight posters? Not all of them fitted in my room either so I have to sneakily put them up around the room.
"Well, atleast you don't have life-size dolls of the Doctors or something" - Laura.
Awkward cough.
"You don't do you?"
"Well it depends on your definition of doll..."
Oh, how my coolness levels have fallen. Not that they were ever that high to begin with. Still can't believe Betty and Catalina thought I was some kind of grunge rocker when they first met me. Nope. Not a grunge rocker. Just a girl very much stuck in her childhood.
But hey, at least I have found someone who loves Doctor Who too - last night, Andy and I managed to watch five episodes...before realising it was three in the morning and we better get some sleep! And we are converting others. No matter how much Arunav complains, he comes and sits with us and watches it too! Although I found it hilarious last night when he continually repeated
"What the fuuu***kk?"
And after a billion explanations Andy just resorted to say "Sshh, just watch it."
Cesar was enjoying it yesterday too, even after we had to explain quite a bit, and their accents were weird so we had to put the subtitles on for him.
And I was wearing my Doctor Who hoody, and when I went back to my apartment to get the second box sets, a drunk girl outside my apartment went "Oh my god, that girl's wearing a f**king Doctor Who hoodie!"
She was very loud in her drunken state so I glanced at her and smiled to which she replied,
"You rock! I love your f**king hoodie!"
Ah, drunk Americans. Even charming when they are legless.
So yes, there we go. I am a nerd/geek/weirdo. Whatever name you'd like to use to define it. But you know what. I love it :D and I do feel like I am truly at home here because I can show how much I love it. I am not hiding it :D Another massive tick for UCSD.
But on that note, as the lovely John Green says