
Posted on Saturday, 2 February 2013

 So yesterday, I found out I would be living in Claycroft next year. It is an accommodation place on Warwick Campus. I should be ecstatic. I should be over the moon. I only have to share my bathroom with one other person (unlike first year). I have the Swimming Pool on one side and Tesco on the other. It is brilliant. It is also one of the most beautiful accommodations on campus and known for being a bit quieter - brilliant for a fourth year.

Let me explain my accommodation in first year. It was known as the party place. I wanted to live there to make myself be socialable. I shared my kitchen with 11 other people and I had a great time. The people were lovely. Well in my kitchen. I had some little sh*ts living along the corridor from me, their wall connected to me as I was at the end of our block and they wouldn't stop  playing Fifi or loud dischotech into the early early hours of the morning. They also set the fire alarm off purposely at 3 in the morning, all the time, ...until I caught them on tape. I am sorry! I was getting PI**ED OFF! Everyone would have to march outside and wait in the cold for a good twenty minutes. It irritated me. But my kitchen. Yeah they were really lovely people and I am very lucky that lots of them will be around next year.

However Rootes, the building -not so lovely. Two toilets between 12 is not fun. Boys could not control their man parts when they went to the loo after a night out. I would wonder in there early the next morning and literally walk into a closet of pee. In tights...yeah not amusing. Imagine Harry Potter's cupboard under the stairs...but smaller...way smaller. That was the size of our toilets. We also had two showers. And seeing as the boys all admitted to peeing in the showers...well you imagine why everyday,  I always went swimming and showered in the gym. Our kitchen was a constant mess. Which my friends at UCSD might not believe, but I always ended tidying up. We had cleaners come to the kitchen and report us if we didn't clean the kitchen properly so that they could clean. Plates would be ceiling high next to the sink, the sink would be blocked because people thought it was a waste disposal, you would stick to the floor as you walked in and the tables were the most disgusting looking things I had ever seen. After a night out, it was particularly awful. Cans EVERYWHERE. Spilled drinks EVERYWHERE etc. etc. And because I am an early bird and the only one who would open her door when the cleaner came banging on our doors demanding us to get up and clean the kitchen (the others would stay in their rooms writing facebook statuses about the b*tch of a cleaner) I would often get up early and clean the kitchen completely. With wipes, with a vacuum, with a mop and tons of garbage bags which I would then take outside. I did this at least three times a week. But it was a Freshers Kitchen. So I shouldn't really expect any less. Like I said it was better that the idiots next door, who drunkingly would go in their kitchen after a night out, cook everything of anybody's and throw it around the kitchen, throwing eggs at the window and refuse to do anything about it.

So yes, I am glad I am in Claycroft. I am satisfied. But I am in no way happy.

Do you know why?

It would mean leaving here.

I don't want to leave. I don't want to even think of leaving. In some ways I wish I had pushed the idea of me applying to American Universities with my parents. Although I know the cost would have blown the idea out of the water. I am so much happier here than I think I ever was in Warwick. I also know next year will be like second year and I will have to go into crazy workaholic mode - ick. I was a miserable cow last year. Yeah I achieved the grades at the end of it. But so what?
I don't want to think of leaving all the friends I have made here. I don't want to think of leaving this beautiful campus. I don't want to think of leaving the sun, the sea, the pool. I don't want to think about leaving all the cool options I have here. The range of courses, the Triton TV stuff, the clubs...even the awesome exercise classes.

Most people told us our year abroad would be the best year of our life. Yes. They were totally right. Before I came to America I posted a certain video on my blog because I was nervous and scared. I had had a brilliant summer with all my friends from home and I was petrified of having to try and make new friends. I was scared no one would like me and I would be stuck in a country, across the Atlantic, by myself. I think that video now applies but in a different way. In a completely different way.

I have totally fallen in love with UCSD.

I never want to leave :( x

To part with a funny note. A new video - this is how I will be when my parents come to take me home

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