What a wonderful day...

Posted on Sunday, 16 December 2012

What a wonderful, lovely day.

Imagine perfect and then treble it. It has been the most incredible last day of the winter quarter and it makes me tear up to think I now have to leave. However, I am so glad I am leaving on a high.

The day started off with me telling my friends about why I didn't go to the party last night. It was followed with them telling me how stupid I was and how they thought I was coming a bit later. Yeah. I knew I had been foolish but still...I am British! I am sorry!

We went to Andy's to set off on a day of I-Hop and Xmas Dinner. We said goodbye to Jesus and then headed over to Tapioca Express. After Snow Bubbles and waiting for the bus, we were on our way.

I-Hop was brilliant. It was so weird! Completely unlike how I predicted. It was so old fashioned and styled in a kind of 50s way. It was a proper American diner! The only problem was it listed the calories by all its menu items! I wrote a rant about that for my student newspaper last year (http://theboar.org/lifestyle/2011/dec/6/not-fan-christmas-calorie-counts/). However, I think we all chose to ignore them (and Andy told me he always goes for the highest calorie items anyway because he sees it as a challenge - hehe). I went for chocolate chip pancakes. I couldn't finish them all though so I got to keep some to go.

We proceeded to spend three hours just sitting and chatting in the I-Hop booth. It wasn't busy so it was fine and at one point, we were the only ones left in the restaurant. We were chatting away when Andy got a phone call from Edu. The Spanish boys had taken the 40 minute trip on the bus to come and meet us! It was fantastic. They ordered more drinks and Betty ordered some more pancakes for the table - I was still stuffed but the boys made a fair job of them - and we all began to chat once more. I challenged Andy and César to the Salt and Ice challenge which they seemed to find so easy (it BURNS your hand and despite what they said, Andy still has a bad mark on his hand - I feel so bad!).

It was so nice. We were all seated around the table, laughing, giggling and telling tales of each other. I felt I really got to know everyone even more and it was just lovely. I have met this incredible group of amazing people and it makes me so happy.

That evening, our apartment cooked a christmas dinner. Catalina cooked, I tidied and washed and Bety chopped and gave out sweets. It was lovely. As well as the usual boys we invited Agústin, Ricardo, Jess and Jay and we had a brilliant night. We played a game where we each had to act out movies and the others guess what it was! It was so much fun. It turned into a game of different people requesting Victor and César to act out different movies. They started doing it together and it was so funny. I filmed parts of it on my camera so I'll post those below. It was so much fun.

I just want to say thank you. If I had to leave now, I'd be heart broken. I couldn't do it. These people I have met. Wow. I never want to lose them. They are...they are great. The bestest friends I could wish for. Rolling around the floor in fits of laughter (completely sober I'll just point out) was one of the best things I have ever had happen to me! I love you all!!!!!!

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