No More Hunger... (Games!)

Posted on Monday, 3 December 2012

Sorry for the odd title but this was what my friend named it in his calendar (apparently every activity he does has to be given an odd name which explains it all very well).

UCSD appeared to be giving a free viewing of 'The Hunger Games' (no Josie, this film is not about food fighting children) to the students. My friend, Andy, had never seen The Hunger Games so we decided to go.

It was great fun and lots of laughs having our first Snowbubbles from Tapioca Express and dining experience in Rubios, however, I think the funniest part was when we went into the cinema.

We both sat down only to realise that nothing is ever Free. I should really know this by now. Seeing as I was the one who had told Andy about the film, when a bunch of students jumped on stage to tell us they were just going to give us a few details about the Student Mental, Physical and Sexual Health department here at UCSD he threw me a look which caused me to be in stitches for the rest for almost all of their individuals speeches along with Andy's continued comments about each of the students.

But it wasn't over. The Students then proceeded to ask for volunteers to come up on stage and answer questions to do with the health services meanwhile completing a fitness test. Oh dear. Now the funniest thing about this was that Andy has his arm in a cast and the most comfortable position is for him to raise it in the air. My best friend Betty keeps asking, as a joke, "Who is stupid? Oh Andy." So when they asked for volunteers, he was extremely glad to be at the back of the auditorium and also, hastened as quickly as he could to put his arm down.

Two girls and two boys were pulled up onto the stage where the girls were forced to compete against the boys ("Glad to see the Student Services aren't promoting sexism of any sort," - Andy) and were one of the team was forced to run and answer a question, whilst the other had to run and do some physical task like jumping jacks. Both teams were rather amusing, ("I'm so glad I am not up there, I'd trip and fall or do something stupid" - Me). At the end the boys teams won and the boys then had to go head to head to compete for a massage free from the zone at the end (you can get these free every week anyway but you know, all part of the game). They had to write down the five services provided by the Student Health Services on a piece of paper and whoever got the most won. Really group game for the whole audience to get involved in - not.

One of the boys won with four out of five services and it seemed like finally, finally, the movie might start. Well it was about to. Not before one girl said "Well enjoy the Hunger Games, remember there can only be one winner...or can there?" she proceeded to giggle before walking of the stage.

Now, maybe a bit of background is needed here. Andy hates spoilers. We are going to watch Annie sometime soon and I said "Oh I love the dog in Annie" and apparantly that is too big of a spoiler. I have apparently ruined the whole movie. It's all fun and games but it is true, he hates spoilers. We can't say anything. So when the girl said this, he looked at me and we both cracked up into fits of laughter "Oh thanks for that, just give away the film, come on Lissy we are going," I was crying with laughter. I just couldn't stop as Andy continued to complain about the girl who had just given away the ending of the movie.

The movie was great (and Andy was actually impressed and pleasantly surprised, which is a big honour for anyone who knows how judgemental he is with films). We then went to get frozen yoghurt (a concert where a crippled person sometimes finds it hard to put yoghurt in his cup and refuses to let you help him) and then I went back to Andy's apartment and talked to his housemates before being force fed tea and Krispy Kremes.

It was a great night and I really loved it. Even though the Student health services were there, it actually added to the night and we now have many private jokes from it (although I have just shared them with you). And I seriously think I have never cried with laughter so much before. Great night. :D

"And let the odds be forever in your favour".

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