Airport Shenanigans
Posted on Sunday, 16 December 2012
I usually love airports. They are full of rushing people, excited children and tons of shops. I usually don't like how little time I get to spend in them.
Mikey and I decided to go to the airport quite early so as to guarantee we would get through the manic American security and get to our flight on time. We didn't want to be rushed and we wanted to have enough time to have a look around the shops. As I write this I am shaking my head. We should have stayed in UCSD for a couple more hours.
Security. What security? They clearly don't care about people leaving their country but entering is whole other deal. Also NO ONE IS HERE! It's the holidays!! Doesn't that mean people should be rushing home or trying to dash back to loved ones or even travel a bit for work. No? No! There is no one here "Very bizarre." as Mikey said. And as for shops? Um there's a Starbucks and a Pizza Hut. Oh and somewhere with magazines and those cushions that are meant to help you sleep sitting up but actually look like you've attached a boomerang to your neck and it doesn't work at all.
There was no queues and the security guards joked with you (they are desperate for any human interaction - Mikey was wearing a t-shirt that said 'All my friends are dead.' in an Airpot and they found it hilarious.) Instead I began to panic that they'd mistake my sweetners for drugs and then...we had to stand in the dreaded naked machine. I began to sweat just standing in there. I was not ready for it at all and I hated it! So embarrassing and so not worth it.
"You're clean," someone said after five minutes,
"Well you think? I could have told you that if you'd just asked me or told me to walk through a metal detector."
So the airport is dead. The internet is slow and Betty is making pasta for the boys. To say I am jealous is a bit of an understatement. To say leaving today was one of the hardest things I have had to do is not an understatement. I love these people. A lump formed in my stomach and my throat as I realised i was to leave. The weather sympathised with me and poured down al day - miserable, grey and cold; preparing me for England.
I explained how i felt last time through a clip of Doctor Who. The Doctor was saying "I don't want to go."
Well, this is how I am feeling right now as I am sitting in the airport thinking about UCSD International House.
Um... "dreaded naked machine"?