Friends In Need
Posted on Sunday, 30 December 2012
I am sure I have mentioned many a time that I have a group of eight girlfriends who mean the world to me. I love how close we are even though we have all wondered of to different universities (or countries on the planet - cough, cough) and are still so tight.
Now, one of my friends recently was in great need of girl company. So the moment she stated to us she was upset and a bit heart broken we rushed over to help. And, at one point, I caught myself and realised that my friend Laura was totally right. Even though I have never seen it, we are totally like the girls in 'Sex and the City' or 'Friends' (which of course I have seen, I have not been living the life of a hermit). I came home from Leceister and practically hurtled myself into my car, waved a friendly goodbye to my parents, sped up to Tesco, grabbed a bottle of Sparkling wine, chocolate and ice cream and sped over to her house. Other friends turned up later and we all just hugged, wept, laughed and ate. Looking back on it, it was so cliché, sooooo cliché, but we are best friends and that is what best friends do.
I know quite a few of my close friends are feeling a bit down at the moment about one thing or another (generally boys - god, you awful species :P) so I just want to say in a really soppy way, SMILE. You have your girlfriends right there you love you lots. We will always be here. :D FOOORRRREVVVEEEERRR (cue evil laugh) and that is why, my friends and I plan on getting very merry on News Year Eve :D
To all my girlies out there :- (including those not in my eight - like my st mags/st hildas/ family/ american girlies etc) x