Small Update
Posted on Tuesday, 11 December 2012
Well Sunday was interesting.
We had the screening of our projects. In general they went down pretty well. I could have once again killed Betty (yes I seem to be turning into her personal murder) when after the showing of her piece, the first thing she said was "Well they weren't acting." No word of a lie. THAT WAS HER OPENING LINE! I couldn't have curled up into that sofa more. But on the whole, the projects were really good and Betty, Catalina and I felt quite smug that we seemed to be the last girls standing (aka the only ones who had made it to the end of the Intern project). I'll put some of my favourite ones down below as they are really funny and filmed on campus so you should definitely check them out if you're interested in coming to this campus.
Since then? Finals week has struck. I have already done three and now have a paper and project left. I can't wait to finish my paper so I can get on with my project because it is to do with editing AND means I can incorporate Doctor Who into my video.
I have picked my classes for next quarter. I am hopefully taking five. Art History, Spanish, Hinduism, Eating Disorders and Documentary Editing. I am kind of cheating with the first two as I have already had the best teachers in the world when concerning those two topics so hopefully it'll be a breeze.
Well that is just a quick update from me :) Hope life is going well! Enjoy the videos below!
Oh and I CAN SEE WHAT IS ARE THE MOST POPULAR POSTS! Really smooth guys, don't be too obvious or anything :P -------->
Bear Grills - Max Fong F'12 from Triton Television on Vimeo.
A really hilarious video above featuring the 'laundry guy' (from Essex) doing a brilliant impression of Bear Grylls.
Catalina's spontaneous video featuring me in Toy Story pjamas...
Love hurts!! from catalina caraffo on Vimeo.
Im gonna miss you so much!!!