
Posted on Saturday, 29 December 2012

Well hello there and a Merry Christmas to you! (Can you tell I have been re-watching Miranda?)

My Christmas was brilliant.

We drove down to Leicester, the doggies in the car - Saxon shaking like a leaf the entire way and Bonnie making peculiar noises as she had managed to grab some of the brownie Cathi had brought round the day before.

When we arrived we were greeted by two beautiful little girls in lovely dresses. It is so weird how kids and grow so much in such a short period of time. We were welcomed with Champagne and lots of Christmas decorations. It was great. Everyone asked me about my year abroad and I don't think my Dad will ever get sick of saying "Yeah her hair is totally natural...totally....NOT" Thanks, Dad. I don't what I am going to have to do to persuade him I didn't put dye in my hair...seriously, I am so lazy surely he knows that when it comes to girly things and me, I am hopeless and really can't be bothered.

Christmas day was lovely. It didn't snow, alas, like last time when we had Christmas in Leicester, but it was good fun. I got some really lovely presents - Including a Doctor Who and a Sherlock calendar (I think my family know me well). I am debating which one I should take to UCSD and which one I should leave here...maybe I will take both. Hopefully then I won't be so forgetful. Christmas dinner was yummmyyy so hats off to the chef and then I enjoyed playing with the twins for quite a long period of time. I love them to bits. They are very very cute but growing up way too fast! Can they stay little forever, pleaseeee!!!.

And then IT happened.


The main even of Christmas Day. WOW.

WOW. It was phenomenal. Brilliant. Fantastic. Just amazing. Clara Oswin Oswald - the new companion played by the ever brilliant Jenna Louise Coleman is just brilliant. She is sparky, cheeky and really really kind and managed to make the Doctor believe in humanity and kindness again. Ohhhhh so much love. Oh and sneaky Steven Moffat (head writer) also dressed the Doctor up in Sherlock attire - just for the fans. Cheeky man.

Well that was my Christmas day. Lots has happened since then - hence the lack of updates - but I will update you on all of the those adventures later on.

For now, I hope your Christmases were Merry, full of food and alcohol and you all had everything you could have possibly wished for!

One tired Doggy at the end of the day!!!

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