Very Drunk Pub Times

Posted on Saturday, 22 December 2012

Having not been able to drink in quite a while (21 age limit, remember?) I knew that I might be somewhat of a light weight when I returned to England. Plus if I were to consume such alcohol without having had any substantial food...I might be in slight trouble.

The staff do was lovely. I turned up to the red lion and lots of people were already there and we sat down for drinks. Mary's Mum very nicely bought Mary and I a bottle of wine and we set about drinking, laughing and catching up. Everyone asked me about America and how it was going and then we started exchanging stories about how we found how Santa Clause wasn't...well um, I'll pause there incase I have any younger readers (who are you Alaskan reader??? Please tell me!)

I got to see Cyndy, if only very briefly, but I got to see her. I have missed her so much. She is a gem. My second Mum. I wish I could have seen her more so I am going to write to her and ask if she wants to meet up for coffee/TEA.

Chris, my other boss, kept filling up our wine glasses even when we said no! Which was rather funny. Then Sam turned up and was his usual Sam self. Before I knew it I had to go home to dinner and Grandma had brought champagne to celebrate me coming home. Mum says she knew I had had a bit to drink because I didn't really touch the champagne (sorry Grandma).

We sat down to eat and apparently Becky got in a strop about something I was doing and Mum told me later I was literally doing nothing but Becky thought I was mad at her for something, so she stormed of. We finished dinner and I went to the loo. Thirty minutes later Mum came and knocked on the loo to realise I had fallen fast asleep. I got up, came out and Mum burst out laughing saying "I think you should go to bed now Liss,"
I promptly replied,
"I will once I have dinner."
Mum and Grandma then cracked up laughing telling me I had dinner and then I promptly whisked myself of to bed thinking I'd definitely had enough.
Oh dear. Oh dear.
I still don't remember a single thing about that dinner, let alone Becky thinking I was mad with her because how would I know? Mum said I wasn't even showing I was that drunk, I was pleasantly chatting!
Oh dear.
Oh dear.
Thought I'd share that amusing story with you before Mum and Dad do as they have now told me they have proceeded to tell the entire of their work colleges.

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