November 5th - Guy Fawkes

Posted on Tuesday, 5 November 2013

This is the night when fireworks, sparklers and bonfires are all set alight as Britain celebrates 'Bonfire Night'. The celebration of when Guy Fawkes failed to blow up Parliament on the 5th November 1605. 

However, I doubt many people really care about the reason, the exciting excuse to let off fireworks is delightful for anyone :). 

I wish I could tell you that I was out and about. Eating marshmallows and watched the sparkling colours in the sky flash and then disappear, but no. No I am not. I am inside. Doing work. Taking a quick break to write on here and then I'll get back to my work. 

Other than work, at the moment, my focus is on my fitness. I have lost quite a bit of weight since coming back from America (where I managed to pile on the pounds unfortunately) but it is not quite enough. I want to go back to my pre-America weight. My London Olympics 2012 weight. Weird to think that it wasn't actually that long ago and how easy it is to put on weight but it is so hard to lose it again. Especially for me. Due to a drastic diet when I was 15 and a bit of yo-yo dieting since, my metabolism has pretty much got itself royally f**ked up. Therefore, I gain weight really quickly and have to eat pitiful amounts to lose weight. But I have always been a stubborn girl when it comes to weight and therefore I am good at restricting and pushing myself. Now I am 21, a bit older, and my metabolism is even more ruined, I am trying to lose weight healthily. No crash diet. No fad phase. A sensible diet to get me to a weight I feel confident with and can maintain. if I maintain it then my metabolism will return to normal and maybe, just maybe, I can eat normally again. Like my sister. Who has been whining recently how she is eating so many bad things at Uni. Yet her super slim figure is still super slim. HOW DOES SHE DO IT? Well...she didn't f up her metabolism. 

My diet is rather low calorie but that is just because it has to be to actually allow me to lose weight. I go to the gym four times a week and I weight train in my apartment the rest of the time. Those who know me know I love to swim. I usually swim everyday. Well, there are no affordable pools around where I currently live. Consequently, I have had to put that on hold temporarily. I am excited about being able to excel at different things other than swimming but I hope it will not set back my swimming by too much. Hopefully I can catch up over Christmas or Easter times so I don't lose my PBs etc. 

I have never felt the gym really does me any good. The machines say you are burning calories but I never seen a huge difference with my body whereas swimming clearly helps your figure. But with the help of some websites and advise I am going to use the gym to the best of my ability. Clearly if it provides results for some people I just have never been using it correctly. I have never properly weight trained either. My kit arrived today so I'll let you know my progress. I might start a fitness blog on the side of this one to just keep me motivated by updating it and exploring new training techniques. I don't know, I haven't decided yet :)

Anyway hope you're all well!!! See you soon! 

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