November 16th - Nivea Face Cream

Posted on Saturday, 16 November 2013

I thought I'd do a little review for you! I know, I've never done those before! It'll be something a bit different I feel.

I had been told Nivea Face cream was amazing. For the cheap price of £3.57 I heard it was better than most expensive face creams. My friends have already got into their anti-wrinkle routines and trying to buffer their skin in advance for their inevitably aging and I thought it was about time I joined in the trend. This was about the time I decided to take my diet super seriously and step up my work outs at the gym. I am trying to transform myself. Also I felt if I was seen to be doing things to my skin, my Mum might not nag me as much about make-up (no, not wearing too much, too little)

So taking the recommendation of Daisy, I purchased Nivea day cream.

It feels wonderful. It is really smooth and it makes you feel more awake in the morning. It definitely has had an effect of my skin and I feel my skin is more firm and soft because of it. I also think it aids the black bags that collect under my eyes in the morning. It makes them seem less aggressive. So I would definitely recommend this cream for all of those reasons. It is cheap, lasts for a long time and is small enough to fit in your handbag.

If you rush in the morning to get out and you live in England, this cream can be a nuisance. After application, if you leave your house and begin to walk in the cold weather it turns into wet cream which slides around your face. It shines and makes you face look glowy. It also makes you look sweaty and unfit. I once arrived at Bristol library to have the left side of my hair soaked from the stuff so it looked like I was sweating like crazy. Not fun. In turn this can make your make-up run and when you try and wipe the sweat like substance from your face even your lightly applied make-up comes off to. So leave it at least two hours before you go outside into cold temperatures.  I would put it on at night before I go to bed (despite it being a day cream) but my boyfriend says it doesn't smell of me so he doesn't like it when he snuggles up to me and I smell of it.

Overall a good cream with some side effects which one can avoid. 3/5


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