November 15th - Water

Posted on Friday, 15 November 2013

Water is meant to be really good for you, right??

Well this is what I have been trying to tell myself. Anyone who knows me will know I am a diet pop/soda/fizzy drink fanatic. Hate the full sugar version as it makes my teeth feel funny and I soon after get a headache from it. But diet anything, especially 7up, sign me up.

However, lately I have tried to detox my body from these drinks, truth be told, I've been trying to save money. I know feel bad if I buy any goods for myself without buying Andy something. Consequently, it would be stupid of me to buy cans of diet 7up everyday if it also meant I wanted to buy Andy tons of sweets/bread/chocolate/meat (this boy will eat anything). Soooooooo as I am also trying to save up for an apartment ASAP so Andy and I can live together, it has been bye bye fizzy drinks (except on small occasions whereby Andy and I actually have a night off from working and we chose to celebrate - yep diet 7up is my celebration drink)

And you know? I have started to like water.....GASP. I know! I have started drinking roughly 1.5 litres a day and it makes me feel good. Not for the reasons people say, like it makes you more awake, or concentrate more etc etc. but just so I can be like "AHHHHH I HAVE ONLY DRUNK WATER TODAY!!! YAY ME!" Selfish, I know.

I also still drink tea by the gallon. OF COURSE. What would a british humanities student be if they were not addicted to tea or coffee??? Tea is my friend. Unfortunately, over the summer I slipped back into my sweetener habit. I kept it a secret from my parents and only had it when out with Andy. However, that stopped three weeks ago. I was spending far too much money on tea when I was out just so I could experience the sweet calorie free taste of sweetener and I was become addicted to it. Once I finished a cup of tea, onto another one. And a box of sweetener is not cheap. Therefore, I stopped. I also thought it would help with my weightless as sweetener has been known to prevent weight loss even though it is zero calorie. And I feel better. Now I am drinking normal tea. I wait till I get home to have a mug so I am not wasting money whilst I am in the library or out and about and I feel good! I feel great! I don't have a bloated tummy from so much tea drinking, I don't have sudden scares of "WHAT IF THIS GIVES ME CANCER" and I don't start to panic about the condition of my teeth. I also don't rush to make a cup of tea the moment Andy offers to (I used to always want to offer to make it myself as he put less sweetener in my tea than I wanted and I would feel rude going to correct it). I can sit back and let him make me a cup of tea.

So if tea counts, I am drinking plenty of water!!! Hopefully it is doing me good. Only time will tell but it is good for hydration and now I find myself craving an ice cold glass in the mornings when I wake up and I drink tons while I am exercising. It is good. It may all be psychological but I am enjoying it. However, don't get me wrong, if I go to meet my friends at the pub (On the RARE occasion I am free) I will opt for a pint of diet coke (as I am now dieting). Not water. What's a girl to do? A nice treat once in a while keeps you going in the long term :).

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