American Niceness
Posted on Sunday, 21 October 2012
One thing I have definitely discovered about America is that everyone is so so nice. Ok, of course, there are some douchebags out there (as there are in any culture) but for the majority of the time, they are lovely!
In England, if you walk pass someone you vaguely know, quite often it is the norm to start looking at the ceiling, playing with your phone, pretend to look in totally the opposite direction, just so you can carry your walk on in peace and don't have to stop and make awkward small talk. Here, people coming running up to you, stop to say hi and a few lines and then make their excuses and leave (they are walking past you remember - they are meant to be going somewhere). For example, the other day I left my history class and heard someone calling my name. I look around a bit but thought someone must be calling someone else until the said person came right up to my face to repeat my name. It was my surf instructor, who had only really met me the day before, and he just came up said hello and then went to the lecture he was aiming to go to. It's just little things like that that makes this place so lovely.
Another example is the yoga lessons I have just taken up. In England, I once took a class in Warwick which was like pilates on a ball. I was rubbish. My flexibility is poor and I wasn't very good at all. Whereas here, in America, I had the same problems with my flexibility in yoga and the fact I had never done it before and the instructors are lovely. They don't make you feel stupid and embarrassed. They help you, they are friendly and enthuiastic. It is brilliant.
And finally spontaneous hellos. In England, if someone starts to talk to you on the tube or in a cafe, you feel annoyed by it and start thinking that their slightly odd. In America, it is totally normal. I have had people start random conversations as I wait for tea, whilst I queue for groceries or when I'm buying massive Sherlock posters (had to be done I'm afraid). It's just so nice that everyone seems to want to connect with one another.
SIDENOTE - Halloween is coming up and it is a big thing for Americans. I am going to give you a clue as to what Im dressing up in nearly every post. Try and guess :P