Posted on Monday, 8 October 2012
I forgot just how much I missed Zumba!
I did it briefly in my first year in the summer term but then the teacher broke her hip over the summer and so I didn't do it during my second year.
However, here in America, where there are three gyms on campus which contain everything under the sun, there was bound to be a Zumba class I could join. I signed up before my plane even touched the American soil and tonight was the first lesson. It had been a long day (coupled with the fact I'd barely been to sleep the night before as we all went over to our friend's apartment and watched a scary movie followed by us staying up late and discussing the previous Friday night (seriously Katy Perry's song could not be more appropriate)) but I forced myself to go as deep down I knew it would be a blast. Also failing to turn up to the first session just seems to be the biggest kind of failure possible!
I had never been to the RIMAC arena on campus, which is odd because it is the closest gym to me. It is just because I go to the Canyon View Swimming Pool everyday so I feel no need and nor do I have any more time to go to the RIMAC (which contains no aquatic facilities). Firstly, it is beautiful. So clean and brand new looking. Seriously England need to learn a thing or three about gyms. This looked so high-tec and highly polished that it just made you want to dash in and start working out there and then.