
Posted on Monday, 8 October 2012

I forgot just how much I missed Zumba!

I did it briefly in my first year in the summer term but then the teacher broke her hip over the summer and so I didn't do it during my second year.

However, here in America, where there are three gyms on campus which contain everything under the sun, there was bound to be a Zumba class I could join. I signed up before my plane even touched the American soil and tonight was the first lesson. It had been a long day (coupled with the fact I'd barely been to sleep the night before as we all went over to our friend's apartment and watched a scary movie followed by us staying up late and discussing the previous Friday night (seriously Katy Perry's song could not be more appropriate)) but I forced myself to go as deep down I knew it would be a blast. Also failing to turn up to the first session just seems to be the biggest kind of failure possible!

I had never been to the RIMAC arena on campus, which is odd because it is the closest gym to me. It is just because I go to the Canyon View Swimming Pool everyday so I feel no need and nor do I have any more time to go to the RIMAC (which contains no aquatic facilities). Firstly, it is beautiful. So clean and brand new looking. Seriously England need to learn a thing or three about gyms. This looked so high-tec and highly polished that it just made you want to dash in and start working out there and then.

Zumba was fantastic. I looked like an idiot (i cannot dance) but it is so much fun. The songs are modern and high energy and you just can't help but smile at all the ridiculous dances you find yourself doing. Also Zumba really focuses on admiring your body because of what it can do. It is continually high energy dancing but in a fun and enthuiastic way and I left with the biggest grin on my face. 

One of the best things about the Zumba class? We got to the do the Gangnam Style dance! Was such a laugh! If you need a reminder how that goes look below! Can you imagine?! 


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