Losing my Head
Posted on Friday, 12 October 2012
I think I've gone a bit crazy this week. Maybe the heat went to my head or maybe I have fallen over and hurt something but I have just had a week full of my stupidity.
1. I stayed up for four hours and got up at 5am the next day to finish the Spanish homework.....the wrong Spanish homework. Our actual Spanish homework was two pages and apparently took about half an hour tops.
2. Woke up on Sunday, jumped out of bed, started dashing to get ready for class before...yep you guessed it, realised it was a Sunday.
3. Randomly answered to the name 'Lucy' during one of my class registers "Present...no hang on, not present, sorry".
4. Telling the class that my Mum had to fight to be able to go to university due to family pressures (we were talking about the difficulities nowadays with women getting an education or job and if prejudice is still present today), before proceeding to raise my hand when the teacher asked if we were 'first generation University kids" (I thought it meant if we'd gone to University straight away or taken a gap year).
5. Went to Yoga - funny enough in itself. I have never gone to yoga before in my life as my flexibility is dismal! I loved it, however, and want to sign up for the term. My stomach and ribs are hurting even today.
6. During Yoga, whilst sticking my bum high in the air, realised I had my Gym shorts on inside out.
7. Have tripped at least six times (the pavement here isn't flat! And I drag my feet anyway so I keep tripping in my flip flops!)
8. Wore a pretty blue smart shirt for my class because I had to give a presentation so I wanted to look smart....proceeded to match it with bright pink shorts.
9. Was about to put a dollop of Ice cream on my dinner plate for a very unhealthy dinner when my friend asked me "Why on earth are you putting a scoop of butter on your plate? Are you just going to eat butter?" DON'T PUT AN ICE CREAM SCOOP IN BUTTER! IT CONFUSES PEOPLE!
10. I continue to forget people don't understand me when I inform them I am going to the loo. They stare at me as I wonder off and teachers just look at you in confusion when you ask to go - a) the fact you asked shocks them and b) what the hell is a loo?
11. Have had two really lovely guys come up to me and say "Oh you are in my (insert class here), how are you?" and me to completely not recognise them at all.
Maybe I need a proper sleep. These 8ams are killing me.
On a side note - congratulations to my sister who finally passed her driving test! Thanks Grahame for teaching her too! Wooopppp! Now be CAREFUL WITH MY KA! I am watching you....x
Excellent, so excellent... I think it's one of those things where the pressure of being somewhere that isn't home and everything is DIFFERENT seems to take its toll and somehow you are transformed into a moron. (Though at least I have the "Oh sorry, I not understand, I no speak French" get-out I guess...)