I don't particularly like it when tests are SPRUNG upon you.
Especially when those tests are finals.
Ok, maybe I should have read the e-mail probably, but you know!
Art History exam. Ouch. It was intense. Our professor was lecturing in Paris, in the Louvre, and consequently had decided to move the final to a week earlier than finals week. It was unexpected. We also had an essay due in for the same day, and at the bottom of the essay questions he had mailed to us was the little sidenote that he was going to move the final. Even though OFFICIALLY on the website, the final was still next week. Sigh. Lucky I had been prepared and was already revising. This time, I actually knew all the paintings that were up on the screen, and that we had to analyse. One included a Black Square. Seriously! How am I meant to analyse a black square!!!! Ah well, each to their own. One of the questions asked me to be an art critic and told me to criticise two artists who worked between 1900-1950. MARCHEL DUCHAMP WITH HIS STUPID URINAL WHICH HE CALLS ART!!!!
That is NOT ART!!!
Friday was very eventful. I went to Ralphs with Betty and Laura, proceeded by going to Linda's M4M screening. This was the short film I helped to shoot the other day. I went to her screening in class. She had done a really good job of making her short film. It had a very tragic ending and was very cleverly done. I didn't realise though, by being a supportive friend and intern, that I would also be roped into seeing other people's pieces from the class. Hence why at 7o'clock in the evening, I was sitting on the damp lawn with cold fog rolling in to smother the class, and sitting with my headphones attached to a massive technological object which could hold lots of headphones listening to a student's vision of 'death'. It was....interesting??? Seriously, death? Why are artists so morbid! It is so common nowadays for artists to be seen as miserable lonely people. Can't we start to break that stereotype please? It was rather amusing at the beginning because the teacher said we looked like a cult, all gathered around this object he had been given to hold. He began to pretend to laugh evilly and say things like "Come forward my precious ones, come to me!" whilst we waited for the art project to be set up.
That evening I went to Andy's (but you were expecting that no?). It was really fun. We chatted lots and I got to hear him play his three string Ukulele. Later in the evening, he even took me outside so we could play on the balcony of I- walk. He played really beautifully. Alas, if I could ever play like that I would be very happy :D. I wish I could play even a fraction as well as he can. We watched Penelope later in the evening - such a good film. The ending is seriously one of the most adorable pieces of cinema I ever seen (i'll post it at the end because even if you haven't seen the movie you should just watch this clip!)! By the time we finished it was 6am. How the hell time flies. I left at 8.45am after lots of fun :D.
Penelope -
The video above is of a really talented student playing music in UCSD. Incredible video and yet again, lots of beautiful shots of campus if you would like to look .x