Old Town and A Hike To Remember
Posted on Friday, 22 March 2013
Finals are overrrrrrrrrrrr!!!
This caused for major celebrations. It was finally finished. Exams, work, essays...we get a whole....week...off. Oh yeah. Not much. But ah well. A week of Parents, Vegas and Cathi!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOO Could it be any better? I think not!!!....Really must start tidying my room!
So on Thursday night, Laura, Betty, Mikey, Alex, Nima, George, George's friend and I went to Old Town. It really is a magical place. It looks straight out of a set or a film or something of the sorts. I have to take my parents there to show them. It is really quite wonderful. So adorable. I seriously feel someone's going to ride down the small dusty roads on a horse with a lasso yelling "YEHA" as Indians chase him from behind.
We went to a Mexican restaurant and because I had already eaten I just ordered a drink. I felt really embarrassed just ordering a drink though, I felt it made me look like an alcoholic or something so when the waiter came round I said I was sharing with Laura and Betty. Laura KNOWS I would not share with her! She also knows how I was refusing to eat so why she suddenly looked confused at me as I tried to shake my eyes at her and she said "I don't think they'll be enough...Oh Melissa just say you're not eating he won't care." I immediately plunged my head to the table as the waiter laughed and told me he really didn't mind. I felt so bad! So I had a few tortilla chips and continued to sip my drink.
It was a lovely night. I was so glad I was introduced to Alex and George. They are lovely. They are both german and Alex speaks like she is from England - I later found out she has a British boyfriend and spent a year in England and another term in Cambridge...no wonder she sounds like she is from England. And George is a friend of Betty and Laura's who everyone swoons over...I didn't but I think that is to be expected at the moment.
We continued to have drinks and chats and it was really enjoyable. On the way back we chatted away about all sorts of things and started to plan the Friday to come. We were planning to go on a hike. We were all meant to go but Laura had work (when she said she could go in early to work to then come with us I said she could take my place in the car, but alas in the end she decided she didn't want to come with us - she will probably go with George :D)
So on Friday, we set out for this hike. We had heard horror stories on the internet about it being so steep and horrible that even athletes found it challenging...so we were a bit concerned but kind of a bit excited at the prospect. Mikey told us it would be cloudy too so it wouldn't be too bad. We hired a car in the morning - literally hats of to Alex for driving. I could not drive on the WRONG side of the road in an automatic (easy) car. Just too complicated. Especially to a place we didn't know. Betty read the map in the front (thank you Betty too! Google maps on an iPhone is killer!)
We got a bit lost. We picked up some snacks and lunch. Mine being an apple, orange and pineapple. I regretted that later when everyone was biting into bready items at the top of the gigantic mountain. And we finally got to the path. It was beautiful. It was so beautiful. I mean I cannot describe what fantastic views it had. It was one of the most beautiful places I have been too.
Now I thought I was being clever taking toilet roll to the top of the mountain - thinking ahead for everyone. Yeah it became a MASSIVE BURDEN. It kept rolling out of my bag and back down the trail - extra exercise for me...or I just waited for Catalina to pass it to me :D. And Mikey used it once to blow his nose. That was it!!! All of that for nothing. I also took my jacket...BAD IDEA. It was not cloudy, it was boiling. I got a tan! And all my freckles came out. I also took a 2.2 litre bottle of water. Apart from sounding like I was in a tank at times, I was very grateful I brought it. Even if it was heavy.
The trek was hard. It was so steep. We were silent the whole way up. It was a lot of exercise. But I enjoyed it. I was taking my time and didn't get too out of breath. Mikey, bless him, was very tired. It took us less than two hours! Take that reviewers on the internet!!! It was so hard but so worth it. We got to the top and it was boiling. We relaxed and watched the view. It was so nice. We ate our food and took some pictures. We then queued to do funny pictures on the famous Potato chip rock. This is why we hiked. For the Facebook photos with the Potato chip rock. It was funny. When I went across to the potato chip rock, it involved leaping to the stone, I twisted my ankle. It hurt a lot. But we then did pictures and it seemed to die down. It was so much fun. Our poses were fun.
Walking back down, it was fun. We slipped and fell a bit but it was good fun, chatting away. However, it took us virtually the same time to go down the mountain as it did up. Which didn't make sense. Seeing as it was so much effort to go up it seems bizarre it would be so long to go down when it was easy. It was fun though and we got to appreciate the view at last.
When I got home...that's when I noticed the swelling around my ankle...and the pain. Wooopppsss hope nothings happened to it! x