Vaccinations and Needles - The BCJ

Posted on Friday, 14 September 2012


I remember the horror stories.

I remember the screams.

I remember the fainting girls and the hysterical teenagers being marched down the corridors by annoyed nurses and concerned teachers.

I also largely remember the joyful feeling of being the first year who did not have to have a BCJ. For once, something changed for our year that was good (usually our year was the one that had to face all the crappy changes like the new, harder syllabuses, the new A* at A-Level (just to make A's somehow not good enough), the new 'no muck up' day rule that everyone promptly ignored, and the list goes on...).

However, after having safely fled from the clutches of this awful fear inspiring injection, I was sadly told that a form stating I didn't need it was not enough for America. No. Despite the fact that both my parents are immune to the disease (my Mum had TB when she was younger and my Dad was naturally immune), I still had to have, at the very least, a test to check if I needed the full vaccination.

Having had the test last Monday (leaving things a little to the last minute, I know) my arm proceeded not to come up in angry red marks or appear damaged in any way. Thank you Dad, once again, for  letting me inherit your genes and thereby making me allergic and sensitive to ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. 

I went back this Wednesday and at first, the doctor believed she felt swelling under my arm. My heart lept. I was so happy I couldn't believe it. She had to call for a second opinion and that's when a male Doctor walked in, glanced at my arm, ran a finger up it, and declared that my test was negative and I needed the vaccination. WHAT! How did that official medical diagnosis come about when you didn't even check my skin!

Next thing I knew I was sitting on the Doctor's table/seat/bed thing and waiting for the needle which had caused many a girl in the years above me cry their eyes out in pain, take days off school and unable to lift their arm or participate in any sports for about two weeks. To say I was petrified is a slight under statement. I am fine with needles. I really am. They are a tad uncomfortable but ah well. I just hate pain. It's such a horrible thing to exist in the world and I despise it. I gritted my teeth, scrunched up my face and....

        "All done." 
         "All done. It didn't hurt too much did it? It's a very uncomfortable vaccination."

No. It didn't hurt at all. It pricked and stung when she stuck a needle in my arm - but that's just common sense, of course it would hurt - but it didn't cause me to have death inspiring pain shoot through my armor cause me to want to burst into tears in the Doctor's office. I kept showing my surprise all evening, telling nearly everyone I met how surprised I was that my arm didn't hurt.

It didn't hurt the next day either. I went swimming, played water polo, took the dogs out for a walk, had kids jump on me (I am a swimming teacher), had my mate Will properly shove my left shoulder underwater as I was trying to score a goal in Water Polo and zilch. Nothing.

It aches occasionally and I am slightly conscious of it being there but seriously...what was all the fuss about? I know injections effect people in different ways but everyone seemed to despise the BCJ. Everyone said it hurt.

You never know I may have spoken to soon. Maybe tomorrow I will wake up in agony, but for now I am going to smugly sit here and tell all of the old Year 9's out there to really MAN UP! 

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