The British Accent

Posted on Sunday, 30 September 2012

A British accent. 

Wow. As I recently said on Twitter, if my guy mates knew what power it could wield they would be here in a flash. They might pop in to say hello but then they would swiftly be out the door talking to my American friends. 

Everyone is so complimentary about your accent. It is the nicest thing in the world. They start to smile at small things you say differently, and ask you to repeat things over and over again - as I said before "say William" has become a regular occurrence in my household and when I said "I am just popping to the loo" i recieved blank stares before I strolled of to the bathroom. Also, my friends were stunned by the fact I called a 'Trash Can' a 'bin', that I say 'barth' not 'bath' and when I talked briefly about Vitamin C it took till the end of my anecdote for one of my friends to suddenly say "Ohhh you mean VitAmins". And whenever I ask if anyone wants a 'cup of tea' they all smile between one another and giggle. 

Something that would make my Mum giggle is that my voice makes me 'Posh'. Everyone keeps saying how elegantly I speak and how classy I come across. Yeah, me. I can hear you laughing and I am not impressed. I told my friend Michael over Skype and he gave me a look as if to say "You! Classy!" 

Talking of Michael, my flat have fallen in love with him (British friends start taking notes - sorry not you girls, I have no tips for you). I was skyping Michael when my friends all got rather too excited that I was talking to a British boy: they all wanted to come say hello. After my conversation with Michael, I walked into the living room to hear them all talking about how cute/polite/classy someone was. Do I need to tell you who they were talking about? They then proceeded to beg me to ask him to come and stay AND then proceeded to stalk him on Facebook and try and gear themselves up to add him (One girl has managed so far!) 

So the moral of the story? Being British in America...rules. 

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