Not a red cup in sight

Posted on Wednesday, 26 September 2012

The Welcome Party for UCSD was everything I have ever dreamed of. Wow. Dancing outside, with the night sky overhead, and people all jumping around having a great time. Yes. Just like a movie. A very nice friend of Laura's provided us with some wine, we sat about, had a 'kick-back' (pre-drink) and enjoyed an amazing night under the stars. The Sun-God was lit up by multi-coloured lights and the music pumped out into the night. It was weird not being able to recognise all of the songs. It might be because I have no access to a radio, or it might be because American's 'get' all the music first. It was hilarious!

I also have experienced my first beach bonfire this week. La Jolla Shores. What a beautiful place. The beach stretched on and on forever, the waves washed swiftly onto the beach (the water was freezing!) and I had my first proper Smore! Melted marshmallow on a really yummy biscuit type cracker and melted Hershey's chocolate. I met all of these lovely people too (Laura's friends tend to have really nice friends) and just had a really lovely night. We messed about on the beach till about midnight when a really lovely girl drove us back to campus. I managed to practice a little bit of Spanish with Stephanie and her cousin Michael who was visiting from Columbia and we all tried our hardest not to set marshmallows on fire....or have our stuff stolen when a creepy lady with a dog and a red light attached to her head headed towards our bonfire whilst we were all situated at the oceans shore.

It's been the stuff of dreams, it really has. Including swimming in a Uni pool in a lane ALL TO MYSELF. I don't want to jinx it however, so 'touch wood'.

Sadly however, I must report, I have yet to see or drink out of a red cup....some may call that a fail.

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