Ketchup Resolutions
Posted on Friday, 22 June 2012
Cobwebs be gone!
Hey I am back!
Already I know!
That’s a turn up
for the books.
I’m just writing
down a resolution. Just a quick one. I will try and write a proper entry tonight! I am going to stop
having sauces. Sauces, yep. No I am not making some inside joke or dirty innuedo. I generally need to give up sauces. As in Ketchup, BBQ sauce etc. This year, I have managed to scale back so I don’t have sauces in front of
my friends when we have meals out. I am quite good at that. I know they think
it is really weird and that’s why I have managed to scale back but at home I
seem to sink my food in ketchup or BBQ sauce. Why? I have no clue. In year 10 I
went through a crazy faze of banning any ‘unnecessary calories’ so I didn’t
have any sauces on my food for about three years. Perhaps it is a backlash from
that? And seeing as I seem to skip breakfast and lunch perhaps I am
subconsciously making up for them? It’ll be hard. I know I’ll think my food
feels plain or boring at first but I’ll push on and soon remember food tastes great without such things.
That’s all I am
writing to say. Hopefully by putting it on the net I’ll actually stick to this
change in lifestyle!
Bit un-
Bare with me…