A Summer Resolution List

Posted on Friday, 22 June 2012

Hello there.
Right so as I mentioned earlier I am going to San Diego next year – ahhhh I am so excited I cannot breathe! BUT I think I should make a list of pre-America resolutions. Like things I want to be able to do by the time I get to America. Or things I should just be doing over the summer in preparation for America. So here is my list of Summer ‘To Do’ things with a bit of an explanation next to them.
1.     Give up gum – it’s expensive, no one likes talking to you when you are chomping and…it’s expensive. Oh and apparently it may give you some little discomfort in the form of stomach ulcers – PLEASE NOTE THE SARCASM HERE.
2.     Soft drinks – this will be the killer. I am a SUCKER for soft drinks. Diet soft drinks are literally what I live off and no matter how many horror stories my Mum tells me about kidney cancer or kidney stones, I don’t seem to get the message into my head not to drink as much as I do. But before America I want to try and quit. I will drink them on nights out/special occasions….weekends? Should I make that a resolution. I’ll drink them at weekends? Hopefully I won’t go OTT at the weekends when I do this but ahh well.
3.     Continue swimming a mile a day. I do this anyway, even during my exams I swam a mile a day. I think I am going to start putting some interval training into my miles though so instead of working on different parts of my body or different strokes I will start sprinting in the middle of my workout. I already swim pretty fast but this way, I can probably make my metabolism burn through more calories and get me more fit as it’s probably so used to my mile a day. Also I hate how I swim a mile a day but when it comes to races I’m not automatically faster than someone, who say, haven’t swum in months! It’s embarrassing! Yeah I could beat them in the long run but no one does 8 length races!
4.     Start to try and run again. I used to but I got shin splits but I’d ideally like to take the Disney half-marathon next year so…wish me luck! Hope it doesn’t effect my swimming ability.
5.     When I get my Zumba for Wii ATLEAST do it three times a week
6.     Write for thirty minutes each day on something you are creatively making. Switch off the internet.
7.     Blog regularly (once again, not setting myself a definite deadline because that seems to repel me when it comes to blogging).
8.     Create atleast ten more edited videos on YouTube. Preferably longer than the one you put up today!
9.     Start vlogging! You said you would! Now be brave and take that step!
10. Read! Read as much as you can. It is your time to read what the hell you like.
11. Practice atleast an hour of Spanish each day.

Hopefully I will stick to these eleven things? I’ll let you know in due times. I will print of my own version of ‘Don’t Break the Chain’ and make sure I complete most of these things each day.

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