February 2013


A Play and Breakfast

Posted on Thursday, 28 February 2013

Middle of the week.

Brilliant middle of the week.

Woke up early to go to the gym before OVTS with Andy. It was so much fun. OVT is a buffet restaurant and Andy insisted on taking me for breakfast. He blocked the door before we came in so I couldn't sneak past him and say "I'm paying for me". It was lots of fun. We walked around all of the buffet, chatting away before Andy said it was his aim to get everything. We were laughing and joking the entire time and getting thrown really weird looks from the people serving food. We got pancakes and Andy told me to try and use the whipped cream thing - because it was really complicated to figure out - and I nearly sprayed myself (Andy grabbed it from me before I managed it) and then sprayed the ice with the bowls of strawberry sauce and peanut butter inside it. Yeah. Ok. Sorry I am not that skilled at whipped cream. Then Andy continued to make me mini waffles with the waffle maker and we also had parfait (I didn't eat properly for the rest of the day it is needless to say).

It was so much fun. We talked about internships in the summer again and our courses next term and just about everything. He nearly persuaded me to take a computer science course because apparently if I could draw that would be all I needed for the course - to work on a game with him and the boys. However, I can't draw. Only Becky got that gene.

Later in the day, after a second dose of gymage, I went to film the Vagina Monologues with Betty and Catalina. Doesn't sound like me at all, right? Well actually, I am a real theatre person (which all my friends should know by now *cough* Frankenstein last year *cough*). And although it was about a subject which I usually shy away from, wrinkling up my nose and going red in embarrassment ....it was really funny. It was really good. The actresses were brilliant. They talked about truly controversial topics - some happy and some really sad and devestating. But it was brilliant. Everyone was in hysterics for most of the play, and all the money went to a San Diego charity which helped rape victims. I was very pleased we went to see it. And now we have filmed it, we can advertise such a great play to more people.

Good middle of the week - but I am now shattered.



La Jolla Downtown

Posted on Tuesday, 26 February 2013

After three hours sleep, I got out of bed on Sunday to go for a lovely lunch with my friends. We all travelled down to La Jolla, in the brilliant sunshine, and ate at our favourite fish place. (It is the fish place I went to with Andy, Betty and Catalina when Betty filmed that video). I have only been there twice but my friends all swear it is the best place so I trust them. And it is really yummy. I always get some kind of shrimp salad but everyone else goes for the famous and classic Salmon Burger (apparently it is incredible but being not the biggest Salmon fan, I never go for it). The fish place is called El Pescador - if anyone is interested.

We then went to go and get ice cream at a hidden but brilliant ice cream place. It tasted amazing, I was very impressed - and have high standards when it comes to ice cream!!! It was really fun. We giggled a lot and walked back to the bus. We explored a job called 'Warwick' (just for jokes) before running to catch the bus before it left. When we were walking back across the car park, we saw Andy & Co. (Cesar, Victor & Edu) walking in the opposite direction on their way to Pines. Lucky for him, he got some proper sleep :P

When we got back to the apartment, I was zonked so I went to bed (Im napping in the day now! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME!) After some work etc etc I went over to Andy's again for some more Doctor Who antics. We got the ill blanket out (which caused many 'fights' while we watched the programs) and settled down for the last stretch of the series. Cesar was making an Android App on the table behind us and joked at one point "no crying, no crying"....when the episode finished he was shocked to see that I had actually been crying...a lot. I AM SORRY! I get emotionally connected to these characters! Amy leaving is heartbreaking!!! Andy made me laugh a lot though - I physically began choking when I lauhed after tking a massive swig of tea by pointing out just how much Matt Smith kisses people, and also how many people call him 'hot.' When Arunav entered the room halfway through the last episode, he started dancing because we informed him that 'Lindsay Lohan' was dead.

We stayed up talking late into the early morning, but I didn't want to a) be a bother or B) be up till 6am again!

It was a really good weekend :D x


Walks On the Beach

Posted on Monday, 25 February 2013

Saturday and Sunday were both beautiful here in San Diego. I can't imagine being stuck back in England where it is so cold and rainy about this time of year. Meanwhile the weather was rather glorious here, with just a tad of a chilly wind.

On Saturday, apart from working, Laura, Betty and I took a walk to Blacks Beach. It was so beautiful. The sun was setting and it just looked picturesque. After making our way down the side of the cliff, using one of the most dangerous paths I think I will ever come across, we stopped to admire the surfers who had abandoned the entire concept of a path, which led from the top of the cliff to the shores, and instead walked down the side of the cliff, wherever they fancied. It was if they loved the feeling of 'oh hello grimreaper, please, just follow me as I try and come as close to death as possible". As elegant paragliders swooped overhead, Betty, Laura and I walked along, chatting merrily away, and trying to avoid noticing the naked men (its a nude beach) - particularly the one's thinking it was a brilliant idea to try and get a bonfire going by standing over it (brave...).

That evening, I went over to Andy's for dinner. All the boys were playing poker and so I was sat down as a complete novice and was being taught how to play the game - I was a bit hopeless. Andy just kept laughing at me (he was dealer) whilst the others couldn't quite understand how I didn't understand. We had these little chip things and I just didn't know what they were on about. Couldn't we play go fish? No? Oh. Then it just developed into a game of throwing cards at one another and the other boys left to play 'real card games with alcohol' at Victor's. Andy and I then spent a good half hour trying to make the other person decide where we going to dinner. Arunav was in his bedroom and began to pitch in, yelling "Goodys" every so often...until he couldn't take it anymore, came out of his bedroom and said "You two have been sitting here, giggling for the past HALF AN HOUR not deciding where you are going to EAT! I AM HUNGRY! I WANT BURRITOS! GOODYS!" So Arunav made the decision for us.

That evening, we mainly chatted... about almost everything! I was also very lucky to be able to claim Andy's mug for the evening - biggest tea mug I have seen in my life, like it is an actual exercise to lift up! We got through three Doctor Who episodes and when it came to the last one, I asked "hang on, what's the time? I am not keeping you up am I? Is it about two?" Andy grinned and was like "In no way are you keeping me up! I am actually secretly not letting you leave. And yeah, it is about two, give or take a few minutes". Once the episode had ended....he informed me it was 5.45am in the morning! I didn't know we could talk for so long!!! It was such a fun night though! :D What a good day :D x


Sooo....the film industry....

Posted on Sunday, 24 February 2013

On Friday, I was assistant director on the set of a friend's short film. Sounds really exotic doesn't it? Sounds very grown up. Well, I would love to say it was, however, it wasn't.

Firstly, the film is about a married man who has explicit affairs with other men by using Craigslist and Grindr (a mobile phone app). The shot we were shooting was to be the most sexual explicit of the film. The two men are watching gay porn, the camera is behind the sofa, and then one of them dissappears. If anyone knows me. If ANYONE HAS MET ME ...probably once. They can imagine how incredibly awkward I felt. The girl who hides her face when remotely sexual scenes come on in the cinema or who cringes and turns bright red whenever someone starts to talk about such things (LAURA!) was standing there trying to film a gay scene with gay porn playing in the background. What I found truly embarrassing was just how fine everyone else was with the porn - confirming I am a freak - and that neighbours popped round to see if we were alright half way through the shoot and yes, the gay porn was still playing in the background as the director opened the door to an old man. Bless, he is probably never going to come around again. The same thing happened when the Pizza man came - with the Pizza that everyone else ate.

Furthermore, a bong was produced and I was asked if I smoked. Nope. Which then made everything so awkward. The stuck up British girl. And then everyone smelt. From being in California, I now know what that drug smells like. I DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT IT SMELLS LIKE! I am quite happy being the naive girl who occasionally asks "Hey, can anyone smell like a herby type chicken?" and to think that people will naturally understand my bloodshot eyes are either from tiredness, my operation or, more likely, my overload of chlorine...not that they'll just think I smoke drugs.

We were shooting till 2am when I had to be driven home by people who had been drinking. I had no phone, no money and they had offered way beforehand. What a scream.

To top it off, I didn't know where my house keys were. I was banging on the door of my apartment. Literally turning around and with Cathi Mum's heels tryng to kick the door the way a horse would. I had no phone so I couldn't call anyone in my apartment, or an RA to open the door. I had been texting Laura till about midnight before my phone died, so I was sure she would be up. Nope. I then began to think I could sleep in one of the lounges when I remembered...like a golden angel, Joanne. Joanne would be up. She would be at David's. I rushed over to Geneva and found her, low and behold, playing mariokart at David's. THANK YOU!!!! I used the keys to get into my apartment and saw that fair enough, Laura had been on Skype with George so was even less likely to hear the minotaur who had been trying to break down the door. She very kindly let me have a waffle of hers from the fridge as I hadn't eaten all day. Thank you!

So that was Friday. I am not sure I want to enter the television world in America anymore. I don't know, maybe I am naive but I can't imagine people at the BBC just smoke drugs continually as they work. Whereas in California, as some drugs are practically legal, Betty and Catalina say that it is common and almost expected in the film/television industry. It's just not a British thing to do. When one is high up in a career! Oh but maybe I am being naive...I don't know. It's all a bit confusing.



Posted on Thursday, 21 February 2013

So the last few days have been very interesting :D SO much fun.

Yesterday, after another dose of Spinning, I went to class - where my Eating Disorders Professor actually makes jokes and makes us all laugh - and then I went out to Lunch. Andy insisted on paying, I did try and resist quite a bit, but alas I was overpowered much to the amusement of the cashier. It was so much fun. We went to OVTs which is the buffet place on campus which everyone loves, it is meant to be Oceanview but you kind of have to stand on a chair and squint to see the ocean. We chatted away, mainly discussing summer plans and the future. Andy asked me if I had considered an internship here in California in the summer, as he is. I had always been thinking about it, but it always has seemed impossibly hard to get an internship for an international student. But as Andy said, there is no harm in trying whatsoever. So I think I am going too. We were then thrown out of the restaurant as we were the last ones there before going for tea at mine. It was a fun day.

And then came CAFE V. Yes. CAFE V. Where my friends Betty and Catalina had decided enough was enough. I am not going to go into details so therefore you would have to be a friend to know what I was talking about. But basically I got strapped down to my chair, not being allowed to move until I sent someone a certain text stating that we needed to talk. Wow. Yeah. Betty and Catalina are fierce when they want to be!!! I love them to bits for it though. Betty kept using the phrase "Come on, you swim everyday." (she also keeps using the phrase SUCH FUN hehehe) As if that meant that I should be able to do what they were asking because swimming is so scary. I would have gladly swam the channel than send that text! However, I did it, and now, I could hug them to death!!!!

You know that scary thing I was going to do a while ago....well I did it (not skydiving Mum!!!)


So yeah spread the happiness, take risks, sometimes it can be totally worth it.

Also I would like to thank Laura for being so lovely and excited for me :D. She may not have forced me to send a text but she definitely gave me a kick in the right direction (as did her Mum with her own personal stories) so thank you so much :D. And thanks for the Valentines Gifts!!! (she thought I was really upset about not getting any when I wrote it in my blog - I wish there was like a sarcasm text button so people would know...but it was adorable!)

Just a quick plug, every year, in England, there is Comic Relief. A massive funny night full of brilliant talent, where actors and actresses, singers and performers come together to provide England with 24 hours of entertainment. It is all in order to raise money for charity! This year the new English Charity Single is this! Definitely have a listen! And Enjoy!


Betty Monday

Posted on Tuesday, 19 February 2013

President's Day consisted of Betty and I have an amazing time :D

It was quite a tiring day to be honest. Firstly, I had a film shoot to do which I was meant to be running. Thank god I have Linda - a far more experienced Videographer than I - to help. She was very good at telling the actors what to do and discussing with me where we should place certain probs. Betty was also a major help with her amazing camera skills so thank you guys so much!

The shoot was about encouraging people to intervene if there is an incident and promoting racial diversity on campus. It was for UCSD. I enjoyed doing it and i learnt a lot. It always is surprising, however, how long a five minute scene can take to shoot. Also David had run off with the boom and consequently, we were trying to pick up sound on hidden microphones and shooters attached to the cameras. But, at the end of the day, it was a good shoot - I felt. We went back to the studios where I turned to Betty and asked if she could smell something. I got a really strong glare back and she started flicking her eyes behind her. I won't mention who there were but lets call him Man A was sitting behind her.
Oh, I thought he must just smell of chicken. He was playing with what look liked a whole load of rubber bands. I wasn't quite sure why - maybe a stress mechanism or something....well I thought that until he put the device to his lips and started smoking it. The studio is a small place. And that was the longest ten minutes of my live where I wanted to virtually break down the computer to make the memory card transfer the footage quicker. Betty and I were offered some but I think our recoiling and looks of disgust were enough for everyone to realise we 'weren't that kinda cool'.


I was glad when we escaped! Nearly coughed up my lungsssssssss!!!!

Later we came back to mine and painted our nails again and watched COUNTLESS episodes of Miranda. It was so much fun! I haven't watched it in ages. It was so funny! Miranda and Gary were adorable - and apparently reminded Betty of Me and someone. Hm. Well I can see the similarities between Miranda and I...


Magic :D

Posted on Monday, 18 February 2013

I have had a pretty magical Presidents weekend. 

On Saturday, I went round to Andy's about 6.30 and stayed until 5.00am. It was so much fun. First we were just joking around and laughing, all before realising a bit too late, that we had totally missed dining hall closing hours. Stuck for food Andy, Cesar and I went on a hunt for food. It took us forty minutes to make a decision! We went to the market and stood around, laughing about the ten dollar sandwiches and wondering if it was worth ordering a handmade pizza. Cesar said I should pretend my name was Izzy and take the Pizza box labelled with that name that was out on the side. Yeah, brilliant idea until I would get to the till :P. Like I could ever do that anyway. I was also getting some funny looks in the village because I was wearing the Xmas jumper Andy had been wearing at mine the night before and he told me to wear it the next day. Yeah bright white Christmas jumper....totally out of season. We decided on Pot noodle - one dollar! bargain. 

When we got to the Till, Andy and Cesar both noticed I paid with my card and Andy immediately said "woah, what about your dining dollars? Hang on," and before he could sweep into pay for me I quickly paid and leapt away from the till. Before I had to shamefully admit that that day, my dining dollar card had indeed been rejected. Too many salads and god damn tea. Andy started shaking his head and started saying that he was going to take me out literally everyday next week. Well we will see if that happens :P. Cesar found the whole thing ridiculous "You damn English people and your tea." Lucio also found it highly amusing today at dinner when he was having a chocolate cake because he was too high on dining dollars so actually needed to start using them. Sigh. Oops. I think I have decided to just been a one meal a day girl from now on. 

Anyway I stayed watching Doctor Who/ Life of Pi with Andy and then we chatted until 4.30 in the morning when he had to go to go on a skiing trip which meant he had to leave early in the morning. I felt so bad! He had had no sleep!

The next day was so much fun. Betty and I had a really girly day! We painted our nails, watched Miranda, Friends, Vampire Diaries and One Tree Hill. It was so much fun, we giggled and discussed girly stuff. Laughed are heads off and had a whale of a time! I love that girl to bits! We were making lots of fun out of a certain G person phrasing within his messages to Betty. It made me laugh a lot. Also we couldn't help but draw so many comparisons between our Mums and Miranda's Mum 'SUCH FUN!'. We also had our own mini party where we jumped and sang along to HSM with the curtains closed, lights off and disco light on. And then we tried to learn the 'I knew You Were Trouble' sexy dance from YouTube. It was hilarious. We attempted it once before giving up. We will do it...by the end of the year.  Furthermore, I was taking Sarah's advice and changing my ringtone to 'Kiss the Girl' and Betty said she wanted to ring me while I was at a certain someone's but she wanted me to rename her something cool like 'Cupid'. Yes because 'Cupid' showing up on my phone would seem totally normal. "Hey, yeah I have Cupid on speed dial, along with St Valentine and Venus." It was hilarious. 

That evening I went back over to Andy's. Skiing meant he had quite a bit of a red face, bless, but I told him it was fine. We joked around and he told me lots about he couldn't stop in skiing so his solution was just to fall over. I really want to go in the future so I think we will be doing so. We watched some more Doctor Who but there was a mini beer pong tournament going on in their corridor so sometimes I couldn't hear it so well. Also I was caught crying - ahhh cringe. Arunav once again sat through an episode complaining in a really funny way before declaring that he would never watch Doctor Who again. I reminded him he had said that loads of times before but always got sucked in. Hehehe. He tried to not agree with me but Andy and I just kept nodding and raising our eyebrows. 

Such a fun weekend :D. 

I am so happy here <3 x

Also the song I am learning on the Ukulele:-


Clumsy couldn't come...

Posted on Sunday, 17 February 2013

It's like a sitcom - my life. One big joke where someone is watching, pointing and laughing at me while they control the buttons to my life.

Lets first take yesterday. I finished my essay in time, was extremely happy and was ready to see it in print and in my hand. I started to print the paper, only to realise there weren't enough papers in my printer. I hopped up to go and get more paper, and proceeded to trip over the lead between my laptop to the printer. The printer fell on the floor with a SMASH, glass everywhere! Everywhere! And one dead, incoherent printer. I was so annoyed!!! So upset with myself and it would only happen to me! Only me!  I had to leave the glass all over my floor that day as I had to then run to class (Andy joked that is why I had to wear massive platforms in the evening).

Betty, Laura and I went to Zumba that evening and had such a good time. We were jumping around and laughing our heads off. One move involved all linking arms and spinning around. I can't do Zumba well when I am not dizzy...when I am dizzy, it is ten times worse! But I love it! It is so much fun!

Our dinner was also fun. We rushed into Cafe V all sweaty, grabbed food and went back to our apartment to eat and joke. Laura was getting ready to go so she had to rush but it was still lovely talking to her.

And that is why I am the only one in the apartment this weekend, all by myself!! It feels weird though. Unlike before, when I was in the apartment by myself back in September, I am content because I know my friends are coming back. I also have Betty - my lovely Betty who I could not live without. She is so sweet and I love chatting to her, I swear we laugh 24/7.

On Friday evening, Betty dragged me out of the apartment - I was happy to stay in the apartment because I didn't know if we were invited to anything. We went to Chris' B-day celebrations where I spent the night chatting with Andy. Playing the Ukulele and playing a variety of drinking games - which I was actually capable of playing! It was fun! We spent the night chatting and basically playing the Ukulele. At some point I have now been pulled into a promise to play the ukulele for him whilst singing.....ahhh help. My sister has often told me my singing abilities are equal to that of a horse so......I am not looking forward to this. x


Valentines Day

Posted on Friday, 15 February 2013

Wow, guys, I don't know what to say. Thank you so much for the hundreds and hundred of Valentines Day cards and the roses and the chocolates. I do not need to spend another dining dollar whilst I am here because I have received so many. I am just totally flattered.

Joking. Another year with absolutely nothing is hardly a shock to me by now though so don't think I am wallowing in despair (just very close to it).

Valentines Day was actually really fun. I got to see that quite a lot of my friends got gifts from their parents *cough* THANKS MUM AND DAD *cough* and everyone on campus was generally much nicer. There were lots of smiley people and simply joyful conversations. Unfortunately I was at the end of my clothing cycle so was only able to wear grey whilst my friends wore reds and pinks - sorry I was not trying to make a statement, just that I had not yet gone to Ralphs to buy so more washing detergent.

It was a good day. I filmed in the afternoon with Triton TV which was really fun, especially interviewing the Sixth Provost and some Sixth students for a small video that will be available for incoming students next year. It made me feel a bit sad actually because I don't want there to be new students. If there are new students, it'll mean I will have left.

In the evening, Laura and Bobby made us all heart shaped pasta. We all sat around and chatted and giggled till it was time to see a movie and Bobby to go to Maths.  We went to watch a totally romantic movie in the evening - it is called 'Safe Haven' and is really good. It made me weep quite a bit but also burst out laughing and 'awww' for quite a lot of the movie. I would really recommend it. I also have been sticking to my lent which was really hard when the cinema wouldn't stop advertising XL Large Diet Coke refills. Water still tastes as boring as hell. Ah well. Hopefully my cravings will fade.



Pancake Day/ Mardi Gras

Posted on Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Where art thou pancakes???

What is this? No one has heard of Pancake day? And why not?!

For those of you who do not know, pancake day is a day of fun filled food in England. You eat pancakes for literally the entire day (well at Uni where you can eat what you like you do) and it is some of the most fun ever. There are often special events put on at Universities or in town halls where you can go and flip pancakes with your friends or simply go to eat and sample a delicious amount of crazy flavoured pancakes - heard of a Spinach, Raspberry and White Chocolate pancake? No, neither had I before going to Warwick.

I love flipping pancakes, especially as I finally seem to have got the knack of it. I went through a faze of just throwing it in the air and it landing on the floor, the stove, in the sink... And I went through a faze of throwing it in the air and it falling half onto the pan and the other half falling onto the floor, the sink. Ah dear. But last year, I seemed to have it spot on. I don't practice making pancakes very often, so touch wood, I haven't lost that skill.

However, in America, I have discovered they don't celebrate such a thing. Even if you are not religious in England, it is kind of a really unhealthy day before Lent starts. I have often giving up things during Lent and will again this year. I am tackling sweetners and fizzy drinks. Yep. Both of these things. 40 days cold turkey. Ouch. Should be fine though. Whenever I do Lent, I take it far more seriously than when I just give a few things up. Why? Because I feel super guilty if I break lent (think it was something Nana installed in me :D)

However, the more Spanish/Mexican half of America (particularly San Diego) celebrate this day in a different way. They also call it 'Mardi Gras'. It is a day of celebration. Betty was telling me at spinning this morning, that in Portugal, people dress up in outfits and dance. However, here, in San Diego, It seems like it is a big drinking event. Lots of people are going out tonight as it seems a party night when it is Mardi Gras. However, I doubt they are all giving up alcohol in the morning :P.

UCSD have decided to celebrate it a bit differently. Once again, free food. Which seems a bit standard of UCSD - don't worry I am not complaining. At lunch, Catalina took the free food option and it was hilarious! She had to try six pots of rice in some sort of soup thing and then fill out a questionnaire marking the rice on some kind of score chart!!! They were all from different dining halls at UCSD and she had to say which she liked the best!

At the same time, in Cafe V, where we had lunch, there was a band playing....nice right? WRONG.

I felt like I was in a club in the middle of the day. It was so loud that Betty, Catalina and I were screaming at each other. And sometimes I speak English way too fast or with my 'funny' accent so they find it hard to understand me. Ten times worse when you are yelling at each other. Our conversation basically went like this :-

It was so frustrating. We weren't even near the band!!!!! No wonder Cafe V was empty - we should have seen the signs when we came in.

And alas, as if I need to remind you even more that my UCSD suitemates know me so well, look at what Laura lovingly left me in the fridge :D


A Place Where I Can Be Nerdy

Posted on Sunday, 10 February 2013

I tried. Honestly, Mum, friends, I tried. You warned me I might want to keep it a secret. You warned me I might want to keep it a bit hush hush. One poster at the maximum. No talking about it continually. No wearing T-shirts.

I'm sorry. But the Whovian inside me was never really going to be silenced so easily. I remember Melanie told me, when I was fourteen, that she would bet her life that this was a faze, I'd grow out of it by the time I was seventeen, eighteen max. Ah, bless. How little faith she had in me - or more likely, how much faith she had in me.

My name is Lissy, and I love Doctor Who.

To an unprecedented level. I watch the episodes, I buy the posters, I read the books, I read the fanfictions, I watch the behind-the-scenes and the interviews. I love it. It makes me so happy. When stupid surveys ask you what your relationship status sometimes I jokily wish I could tick -

But that's me. I think I scared Laura quite a bit last week when I came back from a poster sale with 8 posters of Doctor Who. They already knew. The t-shirts, the talking about it, the mentions of it. My housemates knew I was a massive fan already. But eight posters? Not all of them fitted in my room either so I have to sneakily put them up around the room. 

"Well, atleast you don't have life-size dolls of the Doctors or something" - Laura. 

Awkward cough. 

"You don't do you?"

"Well it depends on your definition of doll..." 

Oh, how my coolness levels have fallen. Not that they were ever that high to begin with. Still can't believe Betty and Catalina thought I was some kind of grunge rocker when they first met me. Nope. Not a grunge rocker. Just a girl very much stuck in her childhood. 

But hey, at least I have found someone who loves Doctor Who too - last night, Andy and I managed to watch five episodes...before realising it was three in the morning and we better get some sleep! And we are converting others. No matter how much Arunav complains, he comes and sits with us and watches it too! Although I found it hilarious last night when he continually repeated 
"What the fuuu***kk?"
And after a billion explanations Andy just resorted to say "Sshh, just watch it." 
 Cesar was enjoying it yesterday too, even after we had to explain quite a bit, and their accents were weird so we had to put the subtitles on for him. 
And I was wearing my Doctor Who hoody, and when I went back to my apartment to get the second box sets, a drunk girl outside my apartment went "Oh my god, that girl's wearing a f**king Doctor Who hoodie!" 
She was very loud in her drunken state so I glanced at her and smiled to which she replied, 
"You rock! I love your f**king hoodie!" 
Ah, drunk Americans. Even charming when they are legless. 

So yes, there we go. I am a nerd/geek/weirdo. Whatever name you'd like to use to define it. But you know what. I love it :D and I do feel like I am truly at home here because I can show how much I love it. I am not hiding it :D Another massive tick for UCSD. 

But on that note, as the lovely John Green says



TTV, Busy, Busy ...

Posted on Friday, 8 February 2013


Busy week.

I am sorry. Midterms - which kind of went, err, terribly. But oh well, I did try, but simply didn't revise the right stuff. Next time, up my game.

Other than that, the most important part of my week has been working for Triton TV and getting valuable experience for hopefully *fingers crossed* my future career. I have interviewed two people and covered a Puppet Show at the Loft.

The interviews were fun. By 9am this morning, I knew how to set up all the equipment and all the different names of the equipment so I felt a lot more confident. I liked doing it and listening to the interviews with everyday students was really interesting. They all had such different ambitions and lives.

The Puppet show was a bit odd. When I signed up to film it, I was expecting something like 'War Horse'; a spectacular production in England with large life size puppets. The storyline is so heartfelt and the puppets are genuinely very realistic and beautifully manoeuvred. However, this puppet show was quite a bit different. The puppets were slightly like Wallace and Gromit creepy look-a-likes, without obvious features and the type you'd expect to find in a Victorian household. Despite the fact there were also large life size flying chicken puppets and random electrical pylons, it seemed very old fashioned. The music was rather creepy and I totally didn't follow the storyline. Something about a debt collector being hypnotised by a large chicken and meanwhile being attacked by an electrical pole and trying to defeat a big monkey in charge. Yeah, totally confused!!! BUT it was an experience. I learnt a lot more about the camera and different lens. I also had to hold the boom for a good twenty minutes for one interview and realised just how painful it was. I also felt good because I was helping out.

So that has been my week, pretty much.

Sorry about the late update - Mum thinks I am dead. I'll try and update again soon.


The Weekend

Posted on Monday, 4 February 2013

Monday has hit and the weekend is over. Now it is back to midterm mayhem. Sigh. Two midterms on Thursday....going to be no fun. Ah well. It seems everyone is snowed under with work so come next Friday....FREEDOOMMMM!!! Which will be awesome fun.

So what did I do over the weekend?

Well Friday, all of us girls stayed in eating Catalina's brownies and ice cream. We gossiped and joked and once again, quite a few conversations made me very uncomfortable. But it was really good fun. We were laughing at the parties around us - to be honest there were barely any. And at one point, two random Asians invaded our apartment to ask us to come to their friend's birthday. We had never even met them. Catalina was so down for it and tried to drag us all to go - hence why I ended up hiding in the loo. Yep, sorry Catalina, when you were asking were I was, I was on the loo begging for the boys to leave. So Catalina and Betty left and Laura and I stayed chatting away a bit longer.

Saturday was a day of studying, followed by an evening with Andy. It was really fun. It took us an hour to actually sit down and watch Doctor Who - standard. We were teasing Arunav saying even though he jokes that he hates it, he almost always sits down to watch it. Andy then forced me to have a pop tart and we were dancing around playing these musical instruments - which kept making him cracking up laughing because I couldn't really figure out how to play it. We then sat down for Doctor Who. It was really fun although it got a bit distracting when I thought I kept seeing someone watching through the window from outside. I thought I was imagining things ....until Joanne admitted it was her the next day. We watched the Vincent Van Gogh one and know, because I have studied Art History, I realised how historically incorrect it was - however, as Andy said, it is Doctor Who so they are allowed to get away with destroying a bit of history to make a good story :D. Watched Doctor Who until about 3 in the morning.

The next morning, bright and early, we went to the cinema. Andy had tons of work so we went early so that we could both work in the afternoon/evening. Apart from fully embarrassing myself by taking us to the wrong cinema - EVEN THOUGH ANDY HAD SEEN THE SIGN POINTING TO THE CINEMA THE OTHER WAY SO IT WASN'T JUST MY FAULT! We sat down and watched the movie. It was really good. I thought the acting was fabulous - Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling once again!!! And I cried quite a bit....crinngeeee. It was a brilliant day.

When I got back, my friends imaginations had gone into overdrive which was quite hilarious. Come on guys, you've known me for four months. And my text to Mum made her imagination go into drive also....oh dear. Over active imaginations.

Anyway brilliant weekend :D x



Posted on Saturday, 2 February 2013

 So yesterday, I found out I would be living in Claycroft next year. It is an accommodation place on Warwick Campus. I should be ecstatic. I should be over the moon. I only have to share my bathroom with one other person (unlike first year). I have the Swimming Pool on one side and Tesco on the other. It is brilliant. It is also one of the most beautiful accommodations on campus and known for being a bit quieter - brilliant for a fourth year.

Let me explain my accommodation in first year. It was known as the party place. I wanted to live there to make myself be socialable. I shared my kitchen with 11 other people and I had a great time. The people were lovely. Well in my kitchen. I had some little sh*ts living along the corridor from me, their wall connected to me as I was at the end of our block and they wouldn't stop  playing Fifi or loud dischotech into the early early hours of the morning. They also set the fire alarm off purposely at 3 in the morning, all the time, ...until I caught them on tape. I am sorry! I was getting PI**ED OFF! Everyone would have to march outside and wait in the cold for a good twenty minutes. It irritated me. But my kitchen. Yeah they were really lovely people and I am very lucky that lots of them will be around next year.

However Rootes, the building -not so lovely. Two toilets between 12 is not fun. Boys could not control their man parts when they went to the loo after a night out. I would wonder in there early the next morning and literally walk into a closet of pee. In tights...yeah not amusing. Imagine Harry Potter's cupboard under the stairs...but smaller...way smaller. That was the size of our toilets. We also had two showers. And seeing as the boys all admitted to peeing in the showers...well you imagine why everyday,  I always went swimming and showered in the gym. Our kitchen was a constant mess. Which my friends at UCSD might not believe, but I always ended tidying up. We had cleaners come to the kitchen and report us if we didn't clean the kitchen properly so that they could clean. Plates would be ceiling high next to the sink, the sink would be blocked because people thought it was a waste disposal, you would stick to the floor as you walked in and the tables were the most disgusting looking things I had ever seen. After a night out, it was particularly awful. Cans EVERYWHERE. Spilled drinks EVERYWHERE etc. etc. And because I am an early bird and the only one who would open her door when the cleaner came banging on our doors demanding us to get up and clean the kitchen (the others would stay in their rooms writing facebook statuses about the b*tch of a cleaner) I would often get up early and clean the kitchen completely. With wipes, with a vacuum, with a mop and tons of garbage bags which I would then take outside. I did this at least three times a week. But it was a Freshers Kitchen. So I shouldn't really expect any less. Like I said it was better that the idiots next door, who drunkingly would go in their kitchen after a night out, cook everything of anybody's and throw it around the kitchen, throwing eggs at the window and refuse to do anything about it.

So yes, I am glad I am in Claycroft. I am satisfied. But I am in no way happy.

Do you know why?

It would mean leaving here.

I don't want to leave. I don't want to even think of leaving. In some ways I wish I had pushed the idea of me applying to American Universities with my parents. Although I know the cost would have blown the idea out of the water. I am so much happier here than I think I ever was in Warwick. I also know next year will be like second year and I will have to go into crazy workaholic mode - ick. I was a miserable cow last year. Yeah I achieved the grades at the end of it. But so what?
I don't want to think of leaving all the friends I have made here. I don't want to think of leaving this beautiful campus. I don't want to think of leaving the sun, the sea, the pool. I don't want to think about leaving all the cool options I have here. The range of courses, the Triton TV stuff, the clubs...even the awesome exercise classes.

Most people told us our year abroad would be the best year of our life. Yes. They were totally right. Before I came to America I posted a certain video on my blog because I was nervous and scared. I had had a brilliant summer with all my friends from home and I was petrified of having to try and make new friends. I was scared no one would like me and I would be stuck in a country, across the Atlantic, by myself. I think that video now applies but in a different way. In a completely different way.

I have totally fallen in love with UCSD.

I never want to leave :( x

To part with a funny note. A new video - this is how I will be when my parents come to take me home