A Play and Breakfast
Posted on Thursday, 28 February 2013
Middle of the week.
Brilliant middle of the week.
Woke up early to go to the gym before OVTS with Andy. It was so much fun. OVT is a buffet restaurant and Andy insisted on taking me for breakfast. He blocked the door before we came in so I couldn't sneak past him and say "I'm paying for me". It was lots of fun. We walked around all of the buffet, chatting away before Andy said it was his aim to get everything. We were laughing and joking the entire time and getting thrown really weird looks from the people serving food. We got pancakes and Andy told me to try and use the whipped cream thing - because it was really complicated to figure out - and I nearly sprayed myself (Andy grabbed it from me before I managed it) and then sprayed the ice with the bowls of strawberry sauce and peanut butter inside it. Yeah. Ok. Sorry I am not that skilled at whipped cream. Then Andy continued to make me mini waffles with the waffle maker and we also had parfait (I didn't eat properly for the rest of the day it is needless to say).
It was so much fun. We talked about internships in the summer again and our courses next term and just about everything. He nearly persuaded me to take a computer science course because apparently if I could draw that would be all I needed for the course - to work on a game with him and the boys. However, I can't draw. Only Becky got that gene.
Later in the day, after a second dose of gymage, I went to film the Vagina Monologues with Betty and Catalina. Doesn't sound like me at all, right? Well actually, I am a real theatre person (which all my friends should know by now *cough* Frankenstein last year *cough*). And although it was about a subject which I usually shy away from, wrinkling up my nose and going red in embarrassment ....it was really funny. It was really good. The actresses were brilliant. They talked about truly controversial topics - some happy and some really sad and devestating. But it was brilliant. Everyone was in hysterics for most of the play, and all the money went to a San Diego charity which helped rape victims. I was very pleased we went to see it. And now we have filmed it, we can advertise such a great play to more people.
Good middle of the week - but I am now shattered.