Posted on Wednesday, 16 January 2013
Lovely Betty has bought our apartment a Ukulele for our apartment. Such a lovely present. It is purple....
Only problem is...
I am now doing no work.
I swim, I gym, I spin....and then I play the Ukulele......
It is so much fun. So addictive! I just keep playing Taylor Swift on the Ukulele. I can't sing yet (I have never been able to sing) but when no one is in the apartment or when Joanne is singing way louder than me, I will sing along. It is so much fun. I like playing "Love Story" and "Kiss The Girl" they are quite simple and easy so it is fun to do. I am learning "Someone Like You" and "We Are Never Getting Back Together" as well.
On another note, I have had yet another embarrassing week. I don't know how much food I have spilled down me. All the time I laugh and it just comes spilling out. Yeah delightful.
Someone knocked into me and spilt tea all down my front - aka looked like I had wet myself.
Walked OUTSIDE to the swimming pool before noticing my swimming costume was on back to front...I HAD BEEN TO THE GYM BEFORE HAND OK! Lack of blood and energy to the brain must have made me stupid. So embarrassed.
On another Swimming pool note, walked into a naked lady when I had shampoo in my eyes...not my finest moment. Almost screamed. Managed to hold it back.
Tripped multiple times. Including up the stairs in front of my RA. Yeah.
Tried to stick my head through a closed window...yeah window pane in the face...
Clearly my brain is slowly loosing its ability to comprehend common sense.
On another note - a new small video I did - it is quite short :) x