The Last Day

Posted on Monday, 7 January 2013

My last day in England could not have been more perfect.

Firstly, I got to wake up with the lovely Cathi Collier in my house (we had been to a brilliant party the night before and therefore she had slept over) Mum pointed out I should tell her next time people come to stay however as often Dad wonders into the spare room if he is snoring and consequently would have scared a very sleepy Cathi if he had tried to get into bed.

I then to Wagamammas and got to see Josie and Cathi again (she had gone home between that morning and then - yes we are joined at the hip). It was so nice to see Josie. I haven't seen her in such a long time and she is the sweetest loveliest girl ever. We were giggling like crazy and coming out with the most random speaking topics. They were being far too nice to me and I love them so much for it. The other two admired the waiter a lot - and basically it was perfect. It was so nice. I hope Josie has a brilliant time in France.

Cathi and I then rushed off to meet our friend Tasha for her 21st birthday party. We went skating in Winter Wonderland and I got to see people from WGGS who I hadn't seen in ages. I have never been to Winter Wonderland. I always thought it was just a silly little fare which was probably really badly put together and really expensive. YEAH COULD I BE MORE WRONG! Cathi and I were stunned as we walked in. It is not only huge but it is magical and beautiful. Especially at night. We couldn't stop squealing like children! We were jumping around happily. We got to the ice ring and went about our skating. It was so much fun. Once again, loads of couples holding hands but Cathi and I said best friends were way cooler than couples and held hands instead as we skated around. It was really fun. We saw quite a few accidents happen including one lady fall right behind Cathi and smashed her face. She bled a lot. One young child was also escorted of in a wheelchair.  I was a bit worried at how many young children seemed to have been abandoned recklessly on the ice whilst their parents clung to the walls....seriously? And three men thought they were soooo clever swishing around almost knocking everyone down with their races - I hated them. I loved spending my last day with my friends and Cathi and I were literally joined at the hip all day and I love her to pieces! And a massive Happy Birthday to Tasha who is one of the nicest bubbliest people I know!

After that Cathi and I had to sadly rush home - we couldn't enjoy the Winter Wonderland with the others but NEXT year we have sworn we will go for entire days! It was both our last nights with our parents and I knew my Dad had made his special steak just for me. We were also going to the cinema. I got home and discovered...Dad had eaten my steak and dinner. Thanks Dad! Apparently he thought I was coming in too late and had probably eaten earlier. In fact NO I had turned down all the goodies - chocolate crepes, mulled wine, doughnuts, chocolate coins - in Winter Wonderland so I could eat Dads steak.

We got in the car, me grumbling that I was hungry, and went to see the Hobbit. I was a bit worried about doing so because it was such a long movie and I had heard mixed things BUT I LOVED IT. IT WAS SO GOOD! I cannot even put it into words! I was so proud of all the British actors especially those I have loved in mini series and now they have clearly hit the jackpot. Martin Freeman was also incredible as Bilbo. I loved that all the old cast came back! And I loved the two seconds I saw of Benedict Cumberbatch as the Necromancer (I RECOGNISED HIM FROM HIS SILHOUETTE AND THE TWO SECOND CLIP OF HIS VOICE - must be love). And yes, don't worry he will be a way bigger part in the next movie!!! (which can people back me up here - that is no me ruining the next film by saying that).

I got home and was very happy with my last day. I got to spend it with people I love and care about and also got to do some awesome things. What a good memory to leave on for the next 7 months.


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