First Impressions
Posted on Thursday, 31 January 2013
A first impression can be so wrong. So far from the truth that it makes you burst out laughing later on when you think back to it. Sometimes you can be dead on, but other times, you can't be any more wrong if you tried. I have definitely discovered this since arriving at UCSD.
Apparently, Betty and Catalina's first impression of me was that I was a grunger. Yep a rock n' roll girl with way more experience relationship wise and who believed she was far cooler than them. Betty said she thought I'd probably ditch them after I found other 'rockers' at UCSD.
Yeah, feel free to take a few minutes, close your laptop, laugh your heads off. Yep. Me, a rocker? A rocker? A ROCKER? Maybe I should stop wearing those big baggy t-shirts. And I was wearing a Midnight Beast t-shrit the first time i met Betty (no I am not a weird memory person - Joanna Instragammed it). Can I point out, that is not a ROCK BAND, that is a JOKE BAND. They perform comedic songs. Not rocking out tunes. My, my, I clearly give bad first impressions. Apparently because I was drinking the Milk Tea Joanne had told me to get and clearly not liking it, but saying it was really nice, Betty thought I was probably a bitch. I drank it! I didn't turn my nose up at it.
And please, a rocker? I listen to more Disney music than Betty does. Catalina borrowed my iPod the other day and put it on shuffle - what came up? High School Musical. Yes. High School Musical.
Oh dear. Oh dear.
But I guess my first impression of others have been very wrong. One person in particular, but thats NTK information.
The only first impression I got right was of Joanne. She is lovely and very enthusiastic about everything.
I thought Laura was an all American cheerleader type. She came in with all her stuff and her family all wearing UCSD stuff and I thought she was going to be really lovely and chirpy all the time. I was partially right. She is lovely and happy. But just in a different way. Not in the hyper American stereotype film way. :D
I thought Betty was innocent and sweet. She had bangs and was quite quiet. I thought she wouldn't reall y talk much or that we would HAVE SO MUCH IN COMMON.
Catalina, I thought was going to be even quieter, was really religious and was probably going to stay in her room - So wrrrronngg.
So yeah, sure, make a first impression, but don't be surprised if it is completely wrong!