January 2013


First Impressions

Posted on Thursday, 31 January 2013

A first impression can be so wrong. So far from the truth that it makes you burst out laughing later on when you think back to it. Sometimes you can be dead on, but other times, you can't be any more wrong if you tried. I have definitely discovered this since arriving at UCSD.

Apparently, Betty and Catalina's first impression of me was that I was a grunger. Yep a rock n' roll girl with way more experience relationship wise and who believed she was far cooler than them. Betty said she thought I'd probably ditch them after I found other 'rockers' at UCSD.

Yeah, feel free to take a few minutes, close your laptop, laugh your heads off. Yep. Me, a rocker? A rocker? A ROCKER? Maybe I should stop wearing those big baggy t-shirts. And I was wearing a Midnight Beast t-shrit the first time i met Betty (no I am not a weird memory person - Joanna Instragammed it). Can I point out, that is not a ROCK BAND, that is a JOKE BAND. They perform comedic songs. Not rocking out tunes. My, my, I clearly give bad first impressions. Apparently because I was drinking the Milk Tea Joanne had told me to get and clearly not liking it, but saying it was really nice, Betty thought I was probably a bitch. I drank it!  I didn't turn my nose up at it.

And please, a rocker? I listen to more Disney music than Betty does. Catalina borrowed my iPod the other day and put it on shuffle - what came up? High School Musical. Yes. High School Musical.

Oh dear. Oh dear.

But I guess my first impression of others have been very wrong. One person in particular, but thats NTK information.

The only first impression I got right was of Joanne. She is lovely and very enthusiastic about everything.

I thought Laura was an all American cheerleader type. She came in with all her stuff and her family all wearing UCSD stuff and I thought she was going to be really lovely and chirpy all the time. I was partially right. She is lovely and happy. But just in a different way. Not in the hyper American stereotype film way. :D

I thought Betty was innocent and sweet. She had bangs and was quite quiet. I thought she wouldn't reall y talk much or that we would HAVE SO MUCH IN COMMON.

Catalina, I thought was going to be even quieter, was really religious and was probably going to stay in her room - So wrrrronngg.

So yeah, sure, make a first impression, but don't be surprised if it is completely wrong!


Ok so I didn't ...

Posted on Wednesday, 30 January 2013

I didn't do the scary thing (and no, it wasn't skydiving Mum - to think she went to Oxford :P Sherlock would be shocked by her lack of deduction). I chickened out and also I didn't have the time. But I have also chickened out - after all that fuss I made. I am sorry.

So what has been happening?

For much of this week, not that much. Working, studying, revising etc.

Betty, Catalina and I went to the TTV Meeting and I volunteered to do lots of things. I am going to be filming a Puppet show next week, editing another video and creating a new film featuring International Students. Should be fun.

So what do you want me to say?

I am trying to think of something remotely interesting.

I just love my life at UCSD right now.

I don't want to go back to Warwick. I just don't think I could cope. I love it here.  I am so much more happy.

I've got into a new series called 'Awkward' - it is fantastic. It's a really cute series which I really love. I would recommend you watch it!

That's all I can really think of right now - sorry for the boring update.

Here is my latest YouTube Video -



Posted on Monday, 28 January 2013

I am going to do something very scary today, I am petrified. Literally petrified. I don't know what to do but I know it's my turn. I have to keep looking at the pros and then the cons. I can't look at just the cons. I don't know what to do but I guess I'll let you know...well if it goes well I'll let you know. 

Sorry the lack of updates. I have been busy. This weekend there was a party on Friday at mine. However, I spent most of it in my room with Andy playing Ukulele (told you - flipping addicted to playing it now. I blame Betty for my grades if they are affected :P) We had a brilliant night and one of the most funniest highlights was when Andy and Arunav saw my trainers in the shower and started 
"Ooooo there has been a man in here. Who has had a man in the shower? With his manly shoes!!!"
They picked them up, Betty looked at me like she was going to burst out laughing whilst being shocked and checking I wasn't hurt and I said, 
"Those are mine, guys."
Their faces, I wish I could have captured them. It was hilarious. 
Andy proceeded to 'not believe me' and have to prove it by putting it on my foot, Cinderella style. Having to take off one massive high heel and put on a trainer gave me and odd sort of limp. 

On Saturday, I worked for most of the day (other than gyming and swimming) and then went over to Andys to watch Doctor Who. We are starting from the beginning of the Matt Smith season. Other people attempted to watch it but didn't like quite as much as we do. We were joking, laughing and dancing along to the theme tune and everyone was looking at us as if to say 'British People'. 

Yesterday was Sunday Supper - which was lovely. Way better than last time. The food was delicious even if I only got salad and green vegetables (But instead I got two of these greek pudding things which were delicious!!!!!!). It was yummmmyy. The performances were great. They were just spectacular. Our friend Peter did an reinactment of Go Johnny Be Good from Back To The Future and wore a funny wig and costume. It was really funny. Everyone was on their feet!!! And then a boy who lives above us did 'Teenage Dream' and it was so funny because he was spanish and coudn't pronouce 'j' so he would always replace 'skin tight jeans' with 'skin tight pants' and he made a complete joke about himself coming after Peter and how he could not compete especially with Peter's british accent! He was so funny and lovely and got everyone clapping. Then there was a girl who played her own songs, sang them and played the guitar and harmonica at the same time. It was amazing. She sang so beautifully. And a boy played some beautiful piano pieces whilst our friend Christina played the ukulele really well. It was clear she was so nervous but it was brilliant. 
Then Laura did some excellent match making for Betty and introduced her to a boy called George - ironic seeing as it also the name of Laura's boyfriend. 
That evening I went round to Andy's to watch more Doctor Who. It was so much fun and he noticed I wore the same dress as Amy in one of the episodes - cringe....he is starting to notice just how crazy obsessed I am. We sat through it with Arunav who continued to complain about the episode - yet as we stated he has now watched five so he must think there is something good about it. Some of his statements about the weeping angels were hilarious. 
"That's genius that is, tell them to watch the angels yet they are all looking at that guy and not watching the angels whatsoever!"
"That doesn't make sense." 
"This doesn't make sense." 
"What the F&&K!" 
(Amy tries to kiss the doctor) "Lindsey Lohan stop being whore...hang on why isn't going for her to." 
Me: "Because he is the Doctor."
Arunav: "And that makes him frigid."
Andy: "No he's just too nice, he's 907, he doesn't think that way."
Arunav: "This doesn't make sense."

Brilliant weekend :D 


A Racoon, International Food, Cookies and A Dog

Posted on Friday, 25 January 2013

This week has been one of the most fun. I feel I have got closer to all my friends and also just had a brilliant week.

So let me explain the title of this blog.

A Racoon. Last night I went on a long midnight walk. I had to think about a few things. When I turned around, I saw a racoon...following me. I don't know if you have ever seen a racoon move but it's pretty creepy. It's slinks and walks with a kind of gangster swagger. I decided to carry on walking, but when I turned around ten minutes later because I thought I heard an alarm go off and I saw the racoon again. Still following me. I knew not to approach - they can be dangerous, apparently - but it was so creepy. He followed me for another twenty minutes. I didn't have any food on me. I didn't quite realise why I was so interesting to this racoon. It disappeared just before I walked into the sprinklers, that I didn't realise spun on the grass...not clever.

International Food - Betty organised an international dinner with Jesús' apartment. We had to bring something from our country. I had to edit for Triton TV all evening so Betty bought me scones to take and bought some jam. They were Canadian Scones...and they didn't taste like scones. Not at all. Maybe a bit like shortbread. Oh these Canadians...trying to copy us British all the time. Catalina cooked a really nice chicken and mushroom dish. Betty cooked a Russian version of Shepherds Pie. Joanne cooked Garlic shrimp. Laura cooked a really nice balsamic salad and cookies. David cooked a nice soup which he was really disappointed with but it was amazing. It was really good fun. More people joined us than the people who cooked like Jesús, Peter, Rosie, Patrick, Jean and Bobby. We talked, we giggled and just had as much fun as possible. It was a good night. I sneakily washed the dishes and took out the trash much to Jesús' annoyance but hey ho :D Trying to be helpful.

Cookies - Ok, if you want the long version of this story, inbox me. But to cut it short, Andy came over to surprise me with cookies the other night. It kind of went disastorously wrong as I had gone on one of my midnight walks and Laura didn't hear him knocking. Mikey spotted him as he was through I-walk and asked him what he was doing. Andy told him but begged him not to tell anyone as we weren't at home....yeah it took him two seconds to ring Laura who rang me. So Andy came around as a 'second surprise' when I got back and we had cookies, laughed and a brilliant time. He showed me more ukulele tunes. I also showed him how I had been practicing. And I know it was nowhere near his standard but he very nicely pretended it was good. It was a fun evening.

A Dog - yeah, I just thought you'd find this amusing. In my Eating Disorders class, not only did a couple make out in the front row, the ENTIRE TIME, but there was a small dog in the class two rows behind me. It didn't bark. I only noticed it when we walked out as the girl shuffled out from the row with a small dog clutched in her arms.




Posted on Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Dear Viewers,
This is a public apology to my best friends Betty and Catalina (wrote alphabetically guys! OK?) because I have apparently not mentioned them enough in my blog. We had a hilarious chat at dinner yesterday where I literally cried with laughter because they were saying how could I possible mention a trip to the supermarket and not mention going out or shopping with them. And also I reduced Catalina coming home to one line. Sorry! Very happy to have Catalina back. They proceeded to ask if really a trip to the supermarket was more important than them and by this time, we were in fits of laughter, tears running down my face whilst nearby tables looked at us in disgust.

So firstly, last Wednesday, Betty and I went shopping. I was so grateful because she waited whilst I sorted out my T Mobile contract. We then went to Charlotte Russe despite telling ourselves we wouldn't and ended up looking at the dresses lustfully. I picked up so many things and then made myself go and put everything down. I was very good about it. As was Betty. Then we walked into Forever 21 and Betty bought shoes :D But she did need them. These boots have since cut her feet lethally just about the ankles - but as Catalina said, There is no beauty without Pain.

So since then, we have had lots of time together. These lovely girlies are literally who I hang out with every day as we have similar timetables. On Saturday we all stayed in with Laura, Mikey and Bobby and had hilarious conversations (LAURA STYLE CONVERSATIONS - for everyone who knows what that means) which made me and Bobby squirm.

So onto the professional side - another side of my blog Betty and Catalina made fun that I did not mention. All I mention is ralphs and tapioca when I want to go into editing. Well. Betty, Catalina and I went to the first intern meeting to help the new interns which meant we dragged into acting. We had to pretend to run after this boy who had been dating all of us. It took a long time and Catalina loved telling the rather arrogant new intern "Hey, you're waisting time, actors equal money, actors equal money" before later turning to us and saying "Hey he's quite cute," and Betty responded "Yeah for a black person."

I've started to call Betty and Catalina a Boy Duo. They literally have tracking signals for boys in their heads and spot them and see them everywhere. It is rather hilarious. They made this poor boy so awkward on Sunday by telling him he was cute.  He was so embarrassed. It was hilarious.

Ok, so have I mentioned you two enough now?? Will you be happy?? I hope so :P

Love you girlies

Also here are some photos from Friday night ages ago which Betty finally gave me :D

Most of the gang. yeah...we are posers....

The boys - Ok these guys are real posers - they look like a boyband! 

 The girls :D 

Ok and then everyone noticed I do the same pose in every picture....cringe....so this began to happen....

 Lets all make fun of Lissy 

Yep, even Andy noticed I seem to be doing the same pose in every picture... 


American Students

Posted on Saturday, 19 January 2013

I love UCSD. I think everyone knows that. But I have started to realise something really different about American Students and English students. They don't really have the same level of respect for teachers as we do (and I am generalising, remember).

Say my lesson ends at 12.20, people are packing up their bags at 12.10 and leaving. I can't hear a single thing over their  noise as the professor tries desperately to hold the attention of the class. It isn't even a long class - it is an hour and a half! I understand some people need to get to other classes but it does not take twenty minutes to walk to classrooms on this campus. Also I doubt 300/310 students all have classes far far away after this particular classroom. I hate seeing the professor look so disheartened by such a horrible response.

Do you know what the response would be in England if this happened?


You just wouldn't dare. I am barely brave enough to go to the loo during a lecture let alone leave.

It just seems so bizarre to me. But maybe that's just me.

On other professor related notes -

Why do teachers think they are cool if they mention Fifty Shades of Grey? I mean seriously! What is with that book?

"Arjuna didn't see things in black and white...he saw things in multiple shades of grey...not FIFTY shades of grey though!" wink, wink, laugh, laugh.

What! A teacher should not mention such things! Especially hippy like teachers who should not know a single joke about Fifty Shades of Grey. He then proceeded to joke that Arjuna (Hinduism figure in the Gita) wasn't so nice that Krishna whisked him off to have his way with Krishna's sister. It was just an odd less and few statements from my religious studies teacher.


This same professor, on Wednesday, really embarrassed himself by saying
"So are there any new students in this class today, any? No I didn't think so, we had a new one on Monday but he left half way through so I guess we won't be seeing him again." Pause. "Oh well his loss, we don't need him anyway, clearly couldn't handle the class"

Two seconds later -

"Oh you're there" pointing to the boy right in front of me.

WHY! Why a) say such an awful thing and b) admit that it was the guy in the classroom. I would just have seen him, clocked he was there, and pretend like it was some other student who had joined the previous lesson and was then not there that present day.




Posted on Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Lovely Betty has bought our apartment a Ukulele for our apartment. Such a lovely present. It is purple....

Only problem is...

I am now doing no work.

I swim, I gym, I spin....and then I play the Ukulele......

It is so much fun. So addictive! I just keep playing Taylor Swift on the Ukulele. I can't sing yet (I have never been able to sing) but when no one is in the apartment or when Joanne is singing way louder than me, I will sing along. It is so much fun. I like playing "Love Story" and "Kiss The Girl" they are quite simple and easy so it is fun to do. I am learning "Someone Like You" and "We Are Never Getting Back Together" as well.

On another note, I have had yet another embarrassing week. I don't know how much food I have spilled down me. All the time I laugh and it just comes spilling out. Yeah delightful.

Someone knocked into me and spilt tea all down my front - aka looked like I had wet myself.

Walked OUTSIDE to the swimming pool before noticing my swimming costume was on back to front...I HAD BEEN TO THE GYM BEFORE HAND OK! Lack of blood and energy to the brain must have made me stupid. So embarrassed.

On another Swimming pool note, walked into a naked lady when I had shampoo in my eyes...not my finest moment. Almost screamed. Managed to hold it back.

Tripped multiple times. Including up the stairs in front of my RA. Yeah.

Tried to stick my head through a closed window...yeah window pane in the face...

Clearly my brain is slowly loosing its ability to comprehend common sense.

On another note - a new small video I did - it is quite short :) x


Swimming And Diving

Posted on Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Last weekend, I went to see a Swimming and Diving Event at UCSD.

It was a glorious sunny day (bit chilly) and I had just had a swim myself so was ready to watch the competition.

It was possible one of the oddest things I have ever seen. There was barely anyone watching except the teams and a few stray parents, the commentator was really quiet and the races would start almost randomly. Meanwhile swimmers were warming up on the other side of the pool. Betty was taking photos of the swimmers for The Guardian. She got very close up with them and for my Documentary Sketchbook class I took a picture of her taking pictures of the swimmers.

The diving was...interesting. The only diving, and my first experience with diving, I have seen was in the summer. The Olympics. While I was lifeguarding. THIS diving was QUITE different. To quite a large extreme. People landed on their backs! And the lifeguards were not watching that part of the pool. They were watching the part of the pool with public swimmers. One lifeguard was actually standing on the dividing part of the pool with her back towards the diving! I mean what! I also...didn't expect so much splashing. I think I have clearly been very spoiled when it comes to diving. My experience is very biased.

Betty and the Swimmer 

 The Competition Swimming Pool

The Pool I swim in everyday and the Diving Competition on the right.



The End of a Week of Awesomeness

Posted on Saturday, 12 January 2013


What a wonderful week. I mean seriously.

It was the best.

All of my classes are super interesting. Already had one quiz in Hinduism (random 'pop' quizzes we will be graded on throughout the quarter) and been introduced to using the I<Clicker. I am finding my Eating Disorders class one of the most interesting and yet really hard class for me. It is a rather saddening topic and very deep. I feel very drained after a class but I find it fascinating.

I also got promoted to a Producer of Triton TV. This has made me extremely happy and I bounced around quite a bit especially as my two close friends Betty and Catalina have also been made producers. We are going to make the coolest productions ever...watch this space.

This Friday I went to Tapioca with Andy, Laura, Betty and Arunav which was fun before Laura and I went with the boys to Ralphs to pick up supplies for that evening. Andy continued to tease me about scarring my entire family and himself with 'The Salt and Ice' challenge. I had no idea it did that to someones skin! I feel so bad! I am so sorry!

Ralphs was really fun. We giggled and laughed the entire time and joked about different things such as shampoos...yeah we were all being children but hey, ho Live while your young.

That evening there was a good party and hey! Catalina was back! Just in time to party on! Good to have the apartment back to normal although I did start to just think Betty lived in the room next to mine.

We went to Andys for the party. We entered into a dark room where the boys were bouncing off the walls like crazy. It was hilarious. I then got taken the mick out of for the 'pose' I do in pictures. All my friends started doing it and then Betty made Andy and me have a picture together before telling Andy to do the pose too. Yes, he had noticed in all my photos I did the exact same pose and yes he copied me too. WHAT! It is the only way I can look like an average human being rather than a bleached pig rat.

Soon the apartment began to empty but at one point Andy and I began to dance around with Scruffy (his stuffed dog) in one hand while the apartment was completely empty. We were like a pair of hyper active children. It was hilarious. One Direction was the background music - standard.

I also got a lovely insight into the boy brain about what was attractive which was really surprising and nice :D

So all in. A brilliant way to end the week. And a really funny way to end the week. Hopefully there will be more brilliant weeks to come.

Song of the night:-


No 100: First Day Back

Posted on Tuesday, 8 January 2013

It seems rather fitting that my 100th blog is describing my first day back in UCSD. I don't know why it makes it somewhat complete. I can't believe I have actually kept this blog going but I am rather happy that I have because it will be something great to look back on when I am older.

Anyway, sentimental rubbish over and onto my first day back.

When I landed, it was pouring it down. Literally some of the heaviest rain I have ever seen and everything was getting wet, all my magazines look crumpled and the sides are unreadable and yeah I didn't think to bring an umbrella with me because I thought those were best left in England! I did have panic for a second and think we had gone round in a huge circle and I was back in England. Stupid notion, I know, but I have a rather large imagination. The UCSD free shuttle never came so I hoped in a Super shuttle and made my way back to UCSD. I couldn't stop smiling. I was smiling so much it hurt my mouth! I then trundled up to my room where there was a massive sign saying 'WELCOME BACK MELISSA" and Bobby and Laura gave me the loveliest hello a girl could wish for. They were so bouncy and sweet and it was so nice of them. It was good to be back. The living room is also looking amazing because Laura's sister decorated it!

So then the first day hit. I didn't have any jetlag - weirdly - and I woke up to go swimming (AHHH I LOVE BEING BACK IN THIS OUTDOOR POOL) and then go to my first class. It is concerning Hindu Texts (thank you, Mrs Smith for being a lifesaver and teaching me everything I need to know on the topic - sadly, however, I stupidly forgot to bring any of my notes/previous essays out with me so....slow clap for Lissy please, slow clap). The teacher looked amazing - he has grey hair all over and then long long long brown dreadlocks! He was wearing a kind of kimono and carrying a flask but never drinking from it. Too wacky for words.

Then I went for lunch with Andy. It was lovely seeing him after such a long time! Although I feel so bad because he showed me that I had permantely scarred him on his left hand when we were playing the Salt and Ice Challenge! He swore to me at the time it didn't hurt! Now I have scarred him and my two cousins! I am never telling anyone about that challenge again I feel so awful. He told me all about his Winter trip and it sounded really fun! I also apparently have ruined the next two Hobbit films by telling him the dwarves are aiming to slay the dragon and the dragon is going to be played by Benedict Cumberbatch - those are MASSIVE spoilers apparently....

Later in the evening I had a really chat with Laura and we proceeded to watch the new episode of Once Upon A Time and then Betty turned up!!!! She so told me that she was coming back super late! It was such a lovely surprise to see her! We were all chatting and giggling around the table and then Joanne showed up to and it was just like old times.

I am so happy to be back :D I have never been excited for University before so I am so happy that I love it here so much :D

Here is a video I made on the plane on the way back :D I have also been working on it over Christmas. I hope you like it :D x


The Last Day

Posted on Monday, 7 January 2013

My last day in England could not have been more perfect.

Firstly, I got to wake up with the lovely Cathi Collier in my house (we had been to a brilliant party the night before and therefore she had slept over) Mum pointed out I should tell her next time people come to stay however as often Dad wonders into the spare room if he is snoring and consequently would have scared a very sleepy Cathi if he had tried to get into bed.

I then to Wagamammas and got to see Josie and Cathi again (she had gone home between that morning and then - yes we are joined at the hip). It was so nice to see Josie. I haven't seen her in such a long time and she is the sweetest loveliest girl ever. We were giggling like crazy and coming out with the most random speaking topics. They were being far too nice to me and I love them so much for it. The other two admired the waiter a lot - and basically it was perfect. It was so nice. I hope Josie has a brilliant time in France.

Cathi and I then rushed off to meet our friend Tasha for her 21st birthday party. We went skating in Winter Wonderland and I got to see people from WGGS who I hadn't seen in ages. I have never been to Winter Wonderland. I always thought it was just a silly little fare which was probably really badly put together and really expensive. YEAH COULD I BE MORE WRONG! Cathi and I were stunned as we walked in. It is not only huge but it is magical and beautiful. Especially at night. We couldn't stop squealing like children! We were jumping around happily. We got to the ice ring and went about our skating. It was so much fun. Once again, loads of couples holding hands but Cathi and I said best friends were way cooler than couples and held hands instead as we skated around. It was really fun. We saw quite a few accidents happen including one lady fall right behind Cathi and smashed her face. She bled a lot. One young child was also escorted of in a wheelchair.  I was a bit worried at how many young children seemed to have been abandoned recklessly on the ice whilst their parents clung to the walls....seriously? And three men thought they were soooo clever swishing around almost knocking everyone down with their races - I hated them. I loved spending my last day with my friends and Cathi and I were literally joined at the hip all day and I love her to pieces! And a massive Happy Birthday to Tasha who is one of the nicest bubbliest people I know!

After that Cathi and I had to sadly rush home - we couldn't enjoy the Winter Wonderland with the others but NEXT year we have sworn we will go for entire days! It was both our last nights with our parents and I knew my Dad had made his special steak just for me. We were also going to the cinema. I got home and discovered...Dad had eaten my steak and dinner. Thanks Dad! Apparently he thought I was coming in too late and had probably eaten earlier. In fact NO I had turned down all the goodies - chocolate crepes, mulled wine, doughnuts, chocolate coins - in Winter Wonderland so I could eat Dads steak.

We got in the car, me grumbling that I was hungry, and went to see the Hobbit. I was a bit worried about doing so because it was such a long movie and I had heard mixed things BUT I LOVED IT. IT WAS SO GOOD! I cannot even put it into words! I was so proud of all the British actors especially those I have loved in mini series and now they have clearly hit the jackpot. Martin Freeman was also incredible as Bilbo. I loved that all the old cast came back! And I loved the two seconds I saw of Benedict Cumberbatch as the Necromancer (I RECOGNISED HIM FROM HIS SILHOUETTE AND THE TWO SECOND CLIP OF HIS VOICE - must be love). And yes, don't worry he will be a way bigger part in the next movie!!! (which can people back me up here - that is no me ruining the next film by saying that).

I got home and was very happy with my last day. I got to spend it with people I love and care about and also got to do some awesome things. What a good memory to leave on for the next 7 months.



A few things...

Posted on Saturday, 5 January 2013

I feel this would be a good time to update you on a few things I have missed detailing in my blog which happened over Christmas.

1. Ice Skating
So much fun. My cousins came down from Wigan and we all went ice skating outside the Natural History Museum. The last time I did this, I went with Mel and Tasha about four years ago and I remember Mel getting very annoyed that I hadn't fallen over yet so she pushed me over. :P. I didn't fall over this time either but instead had to be on the look out for my poor cousins who fell over a lot. They got very wet. The ice ring did look a bit swimming pool like towards the end, and there were tons of people, but my cousins represented Bambi as they slipped and slid their ways around the ice ring. I was very impressed, however, that they did not appear hurt at all. They had some spectacular falls but simply burst out laughing. Very impressed, well done guys.

2. Maeves.
I went to Maeve's family party last Sunday and it was lovely. Maeve's always is. I have been best friends with Maeve since I was eight and it was lovely seeing her and her family again. I seriously adore them. I felt so honoured to be invited to such a family affair. We played a really funny game at the end concerning words and actions and it was really hilarious. The adults did not understand the game at all! Safe to say the 'children' won.

3. Mary and Michael.
The three Ms. Oh! We could call ourselves the three musketeers...I should suggest this. We went out to a Mexican restaurant the other night and chatted away like crazy. I had one diet coke and was tripping up all over the place like Miranda from Miranda. I walked into a boulder. HOW ON EARTH DID I DO THAT! I also managed to un-elegantly try and eat my fajitas which I thought I got away with until I caught Michael watching me. Fail. Then we went to the pub and I had two glasses of wine and seriously wasn't that tipsy but Mary and Michael were making me laugh so much that I was crying and they were raising their eyebrows at me saying I was very very drunk. I wasn't! But oh well, I really was enjoying myself. Becky then texted me asking if I could pick her up (despite the fact we had had a massive argument earlier in the day over who would have the car!!!! She won and then CLEARLY DIDN'T USE IT!) So Mary, Michael and I went to pick her up and Michael and I were in the back of car acting like school children. Songs kept coming on the radio and I was trying to dance to them and Michael would just look at me and then mock me and then we would crack up laughing. Mary and Becky didn't have a clue what was going on and because I laugh louder and Mary could see me in her driving mirror they just presumed I was very drunk. It was a lovely evening.

4. The Ballet.
I have never been to something so beautiful and magical in my life. Matthew Bourne is famously known as the god of Ballet but wow, he really outdid himself. 'Sleeping Beauty' was magical. It was truly lovely. The dancing was spectacular (they looked as light as air) and the storyline was so sweet. Made me all sopey and I did shed a tear. I just couldn't quite believe how good it was, and I loved all the costumes and Bourne's interpretation of the classic tale. It was fantastic.

Almost forgot about this. Apparently Pantos are only in England. It was brilliant. It featured Anne Widdecombe (an ex Politician) and Craig Horwood (Strictly Come Dancing) and it was fabulous! I think it is possible the best pantomime I have been to. I was crying so much with laughter and the jokes and the ridicously dancing and the privates jokes clearly meant for the adults and for the children not to understand. The Muddles character was a brilliant Ventriloquist with a Skunk as a the dummy. He was fantastic and made fun of himself all the time. He also referred a lot to fact he was clearly being a Ventriloquist. It was fab.

So those are a few things I didn't have time to write about before but now they are up for you to see :D.



New Years Eve

Posted on Thursday, 3 January 2013

"I love men who run after little kids."

"I liked it when you were tanned, go back to America, get a tan and come back."


"Hey, have you met Bobby?"

"Why are there so many pictures of Jocelyn and Andrew kissing on this camera, Melissa are you trying to pick up tips?"

These were some of the quotes of the fantastic evening that was New Years Eve. It all kicked off about four when I turned up to the lovely Sarah's house. She had just got out of the shower but we are like husbands and wives and have seen each other in every state possible so it doesn't really matter at all. Sarah and I chatted for a while, before having some soup and Bobby showed up. Can't believe he managed to find his way from the station so quickly but still - that miracle will remain unexplained.

The night was amazing. Most of the girls showed up first and others began to appear even whilst we were changing, doing make up, re-doing hair - a girl's life is a tough one - and snacking on all the snacky junk food Sarah's Mum had left for us and drinking alcohol. Bobby couldn't quite believe that we weren't having dinner - um, with the amount of food Sarah had in her house...no we were going to choose sweets over an actual dinner. And proceeded to dance, chat and catch up. We met our friend Jocelyn's new boyfriend, Andrew. He was awesome and we all approve which I think we demonstrated throughout the night by making heart shapes with our fingers and thrusting them in Jocelyn's face.

It was the first NYE we have decided to go out. We usually have a house party at someone's and stay in but because our friend Kirsty was being forced into working NYE (SLAVE LABOUR) we all wanted to go and keep her company so we book tickets to Revolution and went into the club. We partied away, dancing, Sarah being far to snap happy, and drinking cocktails and an array of things. It was brilliant. My friend Tasha decided it would be hilarious (as if did everyone else) to try and grind me at every opportunity (I would begin to scream and push her away) whilst Cathi and I had a bit of a drop off - basically a dance off but I am talking about when you drop and hit the floor as much as possible - OWWWW MY LEGS. Megan continued to fall and hate herself for it because she thinks it may have been a bit of a giveaway that she was drunk (as well as throwing her drinks on the floor by accident). Bobby proceeded to tell me he wasn't drunk yet and tried to get more drinks whilst Andrew tried to set Bobby up with a girl - he was being a brilliant wingman.

The New Year Gong went and some of my friends decided to kiss all of us all over the face and we proceeded to all dance to Gangnam Style - brilliant choice of song by the DJ. A slap bet was made (HIMYM fans will understand) and I can honestly say I have never wanted to be slapped in the face more in my life. I hope I lose this bet.

We got home and Olly and Sarah started making eggs and the rest of us got in our jimjams. Soon we hit the sack and although I was whisked away the next morning, I came back later and they were all still in jimjams, they had eaten pizza and now where watching a movie. And that is how we stayed until about five o'clock. My best friends are officially the BEST and I can't imagine ever celebrating NYE without them.

Hope yours were all brilliant too.
