Happy New Year!

Posted on Sunday, 5 January 2014

My New Year was pretty quiet. But it was awesome. My family came over and so did Rachel and her family and it was a lovely night. I have this game i picked up from Andy's family and we played it for ages. Then we had a HUGEEEEE firework which was brilliant.

It was a bit of a pick n mix dinner with lots of different options. Slightly like a buffet but you wouldn't really get up and help yourself again. The twins painted my nails which was rather hilarious as it got all over my fingers but I didn't mind at all. They were so adorable and at what point asked if they could tidy my room!!! Dream children hey? Who think tidying rooms is a fun past time. They are so cute. And so well behaved yet cheeky at the same time. They always come in such beautiful dresses.

It was so lovely to be with Rachel too. She is such a sweetie and has been such a permanent good friend to me over the years! We have known each other since we were SIX! We are so old now!

My outfit :D 

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