University Staff

Posted on Friday, 11 April 2014

(The statement below is my opinion and only my own. I know it does not apply to all University staff such as one who is related to me who not only teaches and supervises students but is also saving lives with his incredible medical work and dedication. He is a true hero to me. But this is what I HAVE experienced at my University and in my department).

I have had a rant before about University staff. I have probably mentioned them a dozen times but right now, I feel like I need to mention them again.

I might not graduate this summer.

No, it's not because i have failed my entire year *touch wood*
No, I have not got a terminal illness.

It's because my University lecturers are striking for higher pay and refusing to mark work after April 27th until they are given a pay rise.

They are NOT stopping their research in the mean time. This is the real thing that would affect universities and their rankings. Stopping their research would send a serious message to the education department, but no, this is not being stopped. The thing that is being stopped is that which hurts innocent others and also means the lecturers have to do less of the thing they enjoy least about their job. It's like the CEOs of different companies refusing to do any work and instead saying they'll just take people out for drinks and take business trips to other countries.

TWO lecturers have ever cared about me at University. Two have cared about their students results. This is because, unlike secondary school teachers, bad grades do not reflect badly on lecturers. This is because bad grades does not equal less pay or less holiday. It also will not stop them from taking a year off from marking student papers to go on holiday, sorry, 'sabbatical' is the correct term.

One of my lecturers takes thirty minutes of my two hour lecture off, smoking outside with the students, and giving those smokers better grades than the rest of us even when they do not do a single bit of reading for the lecture. This same lecturer also has not marked two of my essays that I gave him last term. So I guess the strike will not really reflect his marking methods. He never answers his e-mails and is never in his office during his supposed 'office hours'. So...well go figure. This is the worst of the worst I must add. Others simply do not care, are clearly bored, do not put effort into their lectures or simply reel of lecture slides they have used for years with no updates and no corrections.

They don't care. They don't care because there are no consequences to not caring.

Lecturers still demand they get more than teachers, however. Teachers work A LOT. Trust me. They are working all the time. Preparing new exciting lessons, trying to think of a different way to approach the same subject, marking work so they can give it back that week and wishing and trying to get their students the best grades they can. Maybe, one could be cynical and say this is because bad grades reflect badly on a teacher. But teachers are caring individuals. You get the odd dodgy one but on the whole, they care. They start to look after their students as if they are their own children.

And yes, part of me thinks this is English University lecturers in particularly. American University lecturers care about their students a lot more. Not as much as my secondary school teachers but more than my University lecturers. If I was to rank all of the teaching experience I have had it would be :-

Secondary School Teachers,
Swimming Coaches,
Spanish Salamanca Teachers,
American University Lecturers,
Primary School Teachers,
Tennis coaches,

English University Lecturers.

 I am in a top 5 University. I think I deserve a little more than lecturers who could not care three flicks if I got a third class degree or a first class degree. They DO NOT deserve a pay rise. They SHOULD get back to their work and what they are being paid to do. And they SHOULD ALL spend a week shadowing a teacher. Even a part-time teacher, because they will do more for their students than most lecturers. Lecturers could learn a lot from teachers. They would also realise how f'ing lucky they are.

Lecturers get LONG UNIVERSITY holidays.
Lecturers go on holiday as 'part of their job'.
Lecturers have minimum contact with students.
Lecturers don't get the blame for bad grades.
Lecturers get paid more.

Take a good hard look at yourselves....and be ashamed of what you've become. Most of you got to go to University for free. Nowadays, students are paying nine grand for your 'expert' teaching. Are you worth that much? Do you provide that much? Think about it.

(Footnote: the above opinion is my own and based on my own experiences. I know that my opinions do not apply to all).


Positive Things

Posted on Saturday, 15 March 2014




3. I started doing some small cardio as my foot is feeling stronger (not officially allowed yet SHUSH) and still doing pilates and weights. 

4. I GOT A NEW SMOOTHIE MAKER (It's amazing and due to my awful cold I have only been eating smoothies for the last three days - YUMMMMMMMMM. I want to be ill forever NOW!) 

5. I went for dinner at a Vietnamese place with Sarah, Tom, Emily and Kirsty. 

6. Had a lovely day behind-the-scenes at a famous production studios!!!!! 

7. Been working hard on my essays. 

8. I got some protein powder, cookie and cream powder. I have it with water and its okish. And has now started drinking it like it's a milkshake...hehehe. 

9. Don't actually need to wear my boot anymore (Hospital wouldn't move my appointment and therefore I am just not going back...don't know if that is good or bad. And I have to work now so...can't have a boot. Went to the interview without my boot and crutches (was like Bambi on ice! Forgot how to walk). 

10. Friends and I are planning a holiday :D To Portugalllllll (AHHHH BETTY WHY AREN'T YOU THERE ANYMORE!!!!!!) Also thank you Cathi parents for letting us invade your place :D 

11. Umm kind of nice, all my shows are back....but it's bad at the same time. I AM WORKING SO I CAN'T WATCH YOU!!!! 

12. Made my own hummus :D (did i mention my amazing blender)


The Vagina Monologues Take 2

Posted on Friday, 14 March 2014

Sorry for being so negative recently! I've been having quite a tough year. But ah well, time for some positivity on this blog.

Last Saturday, I went to see the Vagina Monologues. It is a play, filled with monologues from different characters detailing times they have been embarrassed, excited, hurt or empowered due to their lady parts. I feel the play promotes female confidence and self-love. It is an extremely powerful play with some truly horrifying stories, and some extremely funny ones.

I had seen the play before. In UCSD. I had helped film it for Triton TV with Betty, Linda and Backstabber (thought this was a suitable nickname). Laura came too, however, she wasn't part of Triton TV. Now, I wasn't prepared for the play at that time, I must admit. I was not prepared at all. I am also easy-ably embarrassed, find anything of a sexual nature 'cringey', and tend to flinch at anything 'crude'. I am so grateful I was filming with a tripod as I think I'd have dropped the camera quite a few times or it would have shook as I resisted the urge to cover my face with my hands. However, I came away knowing the play was a great and powerful one.

This year my friend Cathi was in the play. Some of my friends from home came up to see the play. We all ate pizza outside before going to see Cathi perform. I was extremely conscious of the fact I was in crutches but everyone seemed to find it funny :) and I don't think I slowed anyone down. I was the one who went steaming across the road with Sarah when there was lots of trafficand we were trying to cross the road. Everyone quickly followed apart from Emily who elegantly stuck her hand out at an approaching car and crossed slowly. I swear she has magical powers sometimes.

The play was great. I had forgotten some particularly cringey moments but I believe I handled it well. No red face. No head in hands. No squirming. Cathi was brilliant. She performed a very serious piece but it put all my friends of giving birth for a while. The play was also far shorter than in UCSD. It was an hour long instead two hours and a half which took me by surprise.

I felt particularly sorry for Cathi's Dad at the back of the hall, I don't think he realised what he had let himself in for, and Andy who I kept throwing 'sorry' glances at during the play ( I found out afterwards he was extremely comfortable with anything that had been brought up). Before the play started, at the merchandise stall, I also had a particularly embarrassing moment commenting on how pretty a strawberry cake looked. Andy pointed out it was meant to be something else...then I suddenly went "Ew, what!" before realising the cake maker was on the other side of the table. I think I recovered well with a "Oh well, it's really pretty, interesting idea. Hahaha took me by surprise" before nearly tripping over my crutches in a desperate attempt to get away.

We then went and grabbed drinks at the bar and chatted away as usual. I bumped into Cathi's Mum who is so lovely and I love her to bits. We chatted away for ages :D. We then all went to a different bar and played pool. A random girlfriend of a distant friend came up to me and began drunkingly telling me "I'd be ok." and that she had been on crutches once too. It was very sweet of her but judging by her voice I knew she probably wasn't going to remember this conversation in the morning.

It was a lovely evening and it was really nice to see all of my friends come to support Cathi.  x


Life on Crutches

Posted on Sunday, 9 March 2014


The one in crutches. The one hobbling along and trying to do her best to keep up with everyone around her. And to be honest...I am doing well. I speed crutch. I am walking faster than my friends when I am on crutches!

Andy is always saying "Am I making you rush? Why are you going so fast?"


I thought that if I was on crutches...people would be nicer to me? Is that stupid? I really thought that would happen! I thought I would almost find it patronising how nice people would be to me....UM WRONG.

People speed up to go around you! No joke. I know the speed of Warwick walkers and they deliberately do a little run around you and THEN SLOW DOWN. So I end up having to overtake them ! Just because i am in crutches does not mean you HAVE TO overtake me! What is that? it's like when drivers feel they need to overtake Learner drivers despite the fact the Learner drivers are driving at the speed limit and are literally probably driving to the test centre. It is ridiculous. Mum was once driving my car after she had taken Becky out for a driving lesson and the learning plates were still on. My Mum has been driving for a good amount of years. Decades. And suddenly, all these people felt the need to overtake her. In her huge black jeep, when she is driving at the speed limit, somehow, no one has the same urge.

Then there is the hurtful comments.

"Why didn't she go the long way round for f**ks sake?" said one University of Warwick male student. Delightful individual. I was walking to my room on a little footpath. Why? Why? Because I am on CRUTCHES. I would always take the short cut. Why does it matter if I have two legs or one? Why would I want to spend an extra fifteen minutes getting to my room WHEN I AM ON CRUTCHES. If you are really that bothered, why don't you take the long way around? You have two healthy legs!

Then the library.
People glare at you on the silent floors as you try to find books. I am sorry, I AM WALKING. It isn't my fault I make a metal noise when I walk. I am not doing it on purpose yet you glare at me like i am talking on my phone...meanwhile your ignoring the girl who is actually talking on her phone.

Then LONDON. Yes I was only really talking about the University of Warwick and the pleasant students there to begin with...

London Tube. There are seats for disabled people. I technically qualify. There were a few seats towards the end of the carriage but I would have to hop past people with my crutches and I didn't want to bother them so I stood up. I fell over. No joke. I fell due to my lack of balance and my crutches. Did anyone then offer me the disabled seat they had taken up? Did they move to the seat further down the carriage which would be easy for them to access? No. Everyone just smirked.  I was so embarrassed and I wanted to cry. I wouldn't accept it if someone offered me their disabled seat. I really wouldn't. I'd be too embarrassed. But the offer?? It would have been nice.

London Victoria Station - no lifts going down. No lifts. So I hopped down the stairs and someone bashed into the behind of me and pushed me down the stairs. Just why? They rushed off and I didn't fall on my face, I slid down the remaining four steps. It wasn't even busy. It was 11 o clock in the morning. Not rush hour. There was no one next to me. Why did that businessman feel the need to do that? You wouldn't push a girl down the stairs? So why push the one with crutches?

The disabled lifts are nowhere near the station platforms. NO WHERE. I have to hop all the way to find them and THEN I have to hop all the way back to these platforms. It is so inconvenient, why would you do that? I guess it is to put off lazy people using the lifts (that is a whole other topic, I never realised how LAZY people are. I never take the lift. On principle! If I can take the stairs, I WILL! Yet people wait five minutes for the one lift in the library because they are too lazy to walk. I hope I make them feel a teeny bit embarrassed by this when I hop in on my crutches). But the thing is, it doesn't put lazy people off using the lifts. They will wait. They will walk to find them and actually get more exercise in doing so, they don't care.

Anyway. There is my little rant. Sorry it was so...rantish! x



Posted on Friday, 14 February 2014

As the exams draw ever closer the terms WORK WORK WORK have never been more suitable.

It's going to be tough. It is tough. It has already been tough.

Strange things have started happening to me in these past few weeks. Things which have never happened before - continual nightmares.

Every night now is accompanied by at least two of them. Sometimes they aren't even about work (for example, last night I dreamt that everywhere was flooded and crocodiles would jump out and grab you if you didn't stay in the centre of walking boards provided - to be honest this could have been influenced by the fact England is filling with water).

I have never had nightmares so frequently. It is quite nerve wracking. Sometimes, I even wake up with that nerve wracking, scared feeling within my chest and I forget the nightmare straight away. I still feel scared but I can't remember why. I have also been waking up a lot with my heart racing and my body paralysed. That is awful. All I can feel is my heart beating as fast as it can and I can't move or talk or anything.


What does your body resort to when you're under stress, hey?

Anyway I hope everyone is having a nice Valentines Day! If you're not with someone spend the day with people you love like good friends or devote a day purely to yourself - eat a tub of ice cream ,have a bath, paint your nails etc.

I am working this Valentines Day...yes working. Just getting along with my work. So is Andy. I am also planning a trip to A & E (Accidents and Emergency Unit of the Hospital) first thing in the morning....I'll let you know how that goes....


A Week of Indulgences!

Posted on Thursday, 6 February 2014

Last week my boyfriend, Andy, finally finished all his exams and coursework! His last ever! He has been working non-stop over Christmas and New Year (he worked on Christmas day and the most time he took off was for Christmas morning and Christmas lunch....that was it from the end of November through to January 27th!) So last week we had a Christmas day planned. January 28th was going to be a magically relaxing day!

On the morning of January 28th, Andy insisted we went and got Christmas decorations.
"Yeah. Christmas decorations."
"Nowhere will sell them. NOWHERE!"
"No, they do, there is like a place in Bristol that sells them I checked."
"No, in the first week of January, maybe, but not now!"
And this carried on until he dragged me out of the house at 10.30am.

I was a bit disgruntled. I had been looking forward to spending the day inside, like a bat, curtains shut, watching movies, eating all the junk that had been stored in our apartment and playing ps3 games. Also a day of exercising sounding like bliss as I had got quite addicted to it recently and had ended up in quite a bit of pain. So off we marched.

We went to the main store part of Bristol, Cabot Circus, and started going up escalators towards the food court. I was curious but I simple thought it would be some little rubbishy store kept somewhere in the corner. We were walking towards the restaurant 'Zizzi's' when Andy dragged me to the side and into...the cinema.

SIDENOTE - It is probably the poshest cinema I have ever been to!

Before Christmas, Andy and I had discussed going to see three films together. We hadn't been able to see any due to our hectic work schedules (mainly Andy's - his was worse than mine over Christmas!). And Andy, had booked a screening for everyday of the week we were in Bristol! Frozen, The Hobbit, and the Hunger Games. I was so relieved I hadn't put on my usual get up of baggy hoodie and leggings! It was such a lovely gift! I started welling up and it was such a sweet surprise. We saw 'Frozen' that morning, and Andy realised why it was so good and amazing and loved it too. We were singing along all the way home :D. Made me so ridiculously happy. As did all the other movies we went to see that week. And I hadn't seen 'The Hobbit' yet so that was a first for both of us. There was also no one in 'The Hunger Games' screening so it was like our own private cinema!

We then went back and ate all the chocolate stored up in our cupboards. What had happened was that we kept going out and buying each other treats. However, we then both always insist on sharing the treats and Andy doesn't believe in getting treats unless he has 'deserved' them (and he never feels deserving) so we had stored them all up. We also had sparkling wine and made our own mulled wine (which actually tasted pretty nice). It was such a fun day :D. Made me so happy and the magic continued due to the cinema trips everyday. 

That weekend, Andy and I went to my house for my friend's birthday. It was so nice of him to come (he never goes home during the term) but he wanted to 'make it up' to my parents that he hadn't seen them all Christmas and had cancelled on all the events we were planning on going to! He took a later coach than me as he suddenly had a surprise business meeting sprung on him after we had bought the tickets. Unfortunately, Megabus never showed up (typical) and had secretly hired a private operator to transport their passengers without telling them. So no one knew. And the driver of the new bus didn't get out and ask if anyone waiting was for the Megabus because of the rain ! He tried to get on the 3.30pm Megabus but realised it was pointless arguing with the coach driver (all Megabus coach drivers seem to have to be extremely rude to get the job) and ran to get a train. He was soaking wet by the time he got home and very ill! But he still did all of that so he could come and I was so grateful. He even insisted we went to 'our' restaurant that night because we never go out to restaurants! It was very yummy! And he bought champagne for my parents - who after they returned from the theatre, in true Morgan fashion, opened it even at 11pm at night. 

Andy obviously had nothing to worry about, my parents still love him (as they always had) and the dogs were all over him. He cuddles them to bits (and doesn't get bored of it). He only doesn't when he is working so they literally love him. 

The party on Saturday was lovely. Becky's boyfriend came too and Andy and Chris got on so well. I enjoyed dressing up all fancy and having sparkling wine - it really was a week of indulgences. I loved seeing my sister and Chris. They are cute together.


English People Are RUDE!

Posted on Monday, 3 February 2014

I know, I know, there is a stereotype that English people are polite and humble. Well, let me tell you the more time passes, the more that stereotype feels more like a laughable myth,

In the past week I have faced :-

a) A Megabus driver swearing angrily in my boyfriend's face when he told him the previous Megabus driver and coach had failed to turn up. My boyfriend had been standing for an hour and a quarter in the cold and rain at this point and was very calm when addressing the angry coach driver.

b) When leaving the turnstiles at Euston, I walked straight ahead with the direction of the traffic (people traffic I mean). A girl from left cut across the way you were meant to walk to go on the far right. She bumped her bag across my feet and I said "oh I am so sorry, I am so so sorry" (Yes I know, why did I say sorry? My natural reflex?). She turned and gave me the filthiest look and continued to walk. I felt really badly hurt by this but my boyfriend was having none of it "Actually it was your f*cking fault!" he yelled after her. He isn't usually confrontational but apparently if someone is going to throw me a dirty look when it is their fault he is going to kick up a fuss. There were continued angry words until she had disappeared. I know that you shouldn't react to rude people but my boyfriend and I are both coming to the end of our tethers with the UK population at the moment.

c) I opened the door for someone on the way to the University library. He gave me a look up and down and said "Cheers B*tch." I'm not going to lie, my eyes filled with tears at this statement. I am a woos but I just felt so humiliated and i don't even know why.

d) During a seminar I told the lecturer the book he recommended wasn't in the library - "Well, well, we have a right little know it all at the front of the class, don't we?" I think I felt similar to the way Hermione did when Snape attacked her for trying to answer questions. I am also the only one who responds to discussion in this lecturer's class. I will not be doing that again in a hurry...say goodbye to the only person who bothers to do the work (i'll still do the work but just not speak).

e) When I went to post a parcel this morning at the Post Office, the guy looked at the parcel I gave him and paused. I had put two stamps on it already and just needed a few more and for it to be sent as a parcel (it wouldn't be allowed in a post box). "Did you find these stamps just about anywhere or did you buy them?'. "I bought them and stuck them on." Pause. "Right well I don't believe you so you are going to have to use a whole new set of stamps which I will stick over the top" and then he charged me. Not only had I wasted some stamps on the parcel but I had to pay for the privilege to do so!

So...basically...sadly....I have to inform you that English people and their manners are slowly fading away. It's unfortunate and quite demoralising but I hope some opposite change comes swiftly around soon :( I want fellow mannered English people back please! x



Posted on Sunday, 19 January 2014

Hello! I am so sorry! BUSY BUSY BUSY few weeks. I have been studying a lot and been panicking about just how much work I have to do. However, I have sorted out a timetable for myself and decided I may be swamped by work but I have just stay positive. And ontop of it. If I complete the work I will feel better. So I have bought a stash of pro plus so I don't get that 2o'clock "I REALLY WANT A NAP I CAN'T KEEP MY EYES OPEN AND READ" look anymore. Always disrupts my day.

I am also embarking a new YouTube venture. I am going to Vlog :D. Yes you heard me VLOG. I am scared but I thought, hey I might as well just go for it. I am also going to do a New Years Challenge for myself to keep me focused in almost all aspects of my life so that I can work, work, work till June :D. I am doing a blog about fad celebrity diets. I am going to try them all out. For fun. And document which ones actually work...does eating baby food for two weeks make me lose weight? Does the cabbage soup diet make me double over in pain but lose 10lbs in a week? It'll be fun. I am really excited. I tried a bit last week but this weekend was my first 'night out' of my final year so :D decided to relax. I'll provide a link for that blog when I set it up.

Anyway I will leave with you this. My parents cleaned out the garage this weekend and found A LOT of old baby pictures. A LOT. They brought back memories long gone. I hope they don't throw them away. Photos are so important. You only realise ten years later. So I shall provide you with a few below :D. These were there the few of my family and my Mum's parents on holiday together. Yeah these are the few were I have clothes on. Apparently once I was on holiday and near a pool...I stripped.

This is my Nana and me in Tenerife. I look like a scary child!!! 

My first few games of Pool. I loved playing this in Tenerife. I learnt in Tenerife. 

Look at the concentration on my face. How is Dad not laughing? 

These pictures show my Gangan and Dad racing rubber ducks in the pool. Think they had been drinking...
There were amazing fish below this pier. They could go crazy when you threw in bread. I loved it here.
I'm wearing pink shorts :)  

Laughing away.


Happy New Year!

Posted on Sunday, 5 January 2014

My New Year was pretty quiet. But it was awesome. My family came over and so did Rachel and her family and it was a lovely night. I have this game i picked up from Andy's family and we played it for ages. Then we had a HUGEEEEE firework which was brilliant.

It was a bit of a pick n mix dinner with lots of different options. Slightly like a buffet but you wouldn't really get up and help yourself again. The twins painted my nails which was rather hilarious as it got all over my fingers but I didn't mind at all. They were so adorable and at what point asked if they could tidy my room!!! Dream children hey? Who think tidying rooms is a fun past time. They are so cute. And so well behaved yet cheeky at the same time. They always come in such beautiful dresses.

It was so lovely to be with Rachel too. She is such a sweetie and has been such a permanent good friend to me over the years! We have known each other since we were SIX! We are so old now!

My outfit :D