November 30th - Bring Me December
Posted on Sunday, 1 December 2013
November has been ok. I have enjoyed parts of it and have loved being so close to Andy all the time but....there's been so much work.
So much of my life has just been filled with stress since the start of Uni and it's driving me slightly insane. I dream work, sleep work, wake up and immediately think of work. And now I am planning on working all Christmas to get ahead in my degree. Groan. But I know it is necessary otherwise I won't have Easter to revise - it'll just all be about my dissertation and long essays and I can't have that clutter my revision time.
I posted a picture the other day saying 'Woooop crazy Friday night out....Not' and it was me working. Apparently I am letting students down everywhere but not going out partying but I don't think that is the case at all. I have had three years of occasional partying (first year I had a year of constant partying pretty much) and I don't want to do it anymore. Second year I didn't go out really either as when the year counts, I work hard. And that means not going out partying. It saves money and it also means I feel less like I am flushing my student fees down the toilet. Why pay all that money for Uni to go out partying and damage my degree in anyway?
Also if you think your real friends are the ones you party with you are sorely wrong. I realised this a long time ago but drunken buddies does not mean your best friends for life. Your best friends are the ones who make you crack up when you are just in your PJs. The ones who make you smile even if they are miles away :)
Also I have got really picky about wine. It's my mother in me. "it's not Sparkling wine? Then what the hell is the point in wasting calories on it?" That is literally what goes through my head!!! I am so snobby when it comes to drink :( I mean I still occasionally get the House Rose in the Dirty Duck but when I had it recently after not having had it for ages it tasted disgusting! Oh expensive taste :( will be the death of me :(
Also going out costs so much!!! I not only usually get the taxi for people (and they never remember to pay me back! Convient), but drinks, entry and everything else is just expensive. To dance around in a club of sweaty people. And right now, it's cold! SO COLD! Why would I go outside in weather like this!!!! Much prefer staying inside and having a good night with television, good conversation and friends than do the former.
I sound like an old woman. Old age is coming fast *Head in hands* x