December 2013


RIP Lola x

Posted on Monday, 30 December 2013

This is my lovely friend Rachel. In last year, her family took in two rescue dogs. Kea and then Lola. They were never meant to get Lola (the lovely Labrador) but their dog trainer told them of a poorly treated and unwanted dog he was training and they offered to take him from the family. The family happily gave her up. She was insecure and extremely needy. She also was rather nervy. This was after having being abandoned and neglected by her previous family.

Rachel's family took her in and looked after her. They had just got used to have one BIG dog in the house and now they had to make room for two. Kea, the mix breed doggy sitting up, took Lola in under her wing too and they became firm friends. Lola was often more naughty than Kea but she became so good natured. She would literally jump up and sit on people's laps and she became more independent and confident. She was a lovely dog.

Yesterday, whilst playing in a field she got hit by a car. She had only spent six months of her life with Rachel and her family and i know those six months were the best. I am so glad she got to experience such a happy life before she passed away :(.

I never usually comment on or announce deaths, not on facebook or twitter or anything, but I felt I should mention this just because Rachel is such a close friend's of mine and to emphasise the importance of a) dogs in the family and b) to encourage people to take in rescue dogs. I know technically Lola wasn't from a rescue home but I think she would have soon ended up in one if Rachel's family hadn't rescued her. She was, technically, a rescue dog and even though she passed away, she passed away at the happiest point in her life. I will miss her lots. x


Nivea Cellulite Review

Posted on Saturday, 28 December 2013

Nivea Cellulite Gel and Moisturiser

Having gained some (*cough* a lot *cough) of weight during my time in America, I started losing weight seriously when I returned to University in September 2013. Due to some the yo-yo dieting over the year, my skin was beginning to reject what I had done to it. It became wrinkly.....and weirdly saggy...and then it hit me. 

Oh my gosh, I had cellulite. The thing I thought was only present on celebrities and were bits of skins awfully circled by crude magazine editors who are jealous of the celebrities hot bikini bodies. Those lined parts on the backs of people's legs that I didn't actually understand and I thought was only present on old people. And I mean old. I am not old! Am I?! Maybe I am! PANIC. 

So this panic and sudden desire to anti-age myself made me impulse buy. I bought the two creams pictured above. I bought a brand in which I trusted and I read the instructions carefully. The rules were simple. You were meant to rub them into the parts of your body containing cellulite for two weeks and there would be an obvious difference.

I was totally sucked in. I thought it would definitely work. Nivea stuff usually works. Nivea is a good company. Nivea is the foundation for all other companies (most beauty companies actually list Nivea as an ingredient in their products!) 

I enjoyed putting it on. I have never put on moisturiser on after showering, or any other creams for that matter - I am not a big girly-girly - so it was slightly strange for me to get used to. I found it a bit odd as I didn't know whether you're meant to hop around until you feel dry or put clothes on afterwards. Did I hair dryer myself afterwards so that I could avoid that sticky feeling when I got back into my clothing? It reminded me of when I was little and Mum would pin me to the floor to make me wear suncream on holiday. I'd refuse to put clothes on for at least half an hour because I believed my clothes would stick to me. I would run around flapping my arms. However, this is less cute when you're a 21 year old who has places to go, things to do, and is in a freezing cold Student apartment rather than a nice warm tropical country. Furthermore, is quite horrified by the sight of her own body and therefore, consequently, wants to hide it from the walls, let alone the mirrors, the moment she gets out of the shower. 

I opted for loose pjamas as I was scared I'd get cream all over my clothes and it felt comfortable to get into them rather than more constrictive clothing. 

At first I believed the creams were working. 

They weren't. When I finally looked in a different mirror to my usual one I realised that it hadn't worked. None of it. Once I stepped away from my usual mirror I realised that the lines were still all there and it was simply my brain projecting onto the previous mirror that the cream had worked. I did it for three weeks, until both bottles ran out and I saw no difference. You are meant to see the difference in two. I saw Nada. 

The only thing that was making my cellulite improve was that I was losing more weight and drinking more water. That was what was helping. NOT Niva Cellulite Cream. I won't be buying these expensive products again and I wouldn't advise anyone else to. I wouldn't advise anyone to buy any of the 'body firming', 'body toning', 'cellulite vanishing' products from any company because I do think it is a big scam based on the placebo effect. If you really want to lose cellulite I'd advise drinking a ton more water and exercising more. It is boring and a long process but it is the only way, alas. 


Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!!!!

Posted on Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

I have slept for an hour...usually this would be because I am too excited to sleep but this year I was shattered. No, it is because my throat kills. It is really sore. So I am drinking tea and may prepare myself a bath soon. Very happy it is Christmas though :D Been having a good Christmas (very early) day so far!!!!!

I've snuck the dogs up to my room to keep me company. I was also worried about them because one of them ate a Chocolate Orange that I had in my room. It was hidden away and has been for aggggesssss but clearlyyyyyy they found it! SO BAD!

They seem fine.

Christmas Eve was lovely. Woke up with an awful throat but when to a beautiful ballet with my family. The Nutcracker. It was gorgeous. Such good dancers and the outfits were so magical. Felt so christmasy especially when The Nutcracker is set on Christmas Eve. I wore my new dress (literally had arrived in the morning!) and then went to London. When we came back I finished off wrapping a variety of presents, watched some TV and skyped Andy as he worked. Then my family and I had little nibbles for dinner (a special treat so prawns, tiny spring rolls and tiny cornish pasties). Nibbles always seem so fancy! So it was brilliant! And we had champagne :D And we watched Miracle on 31st Street. 

So much fun!

Anyway have a brilliant Christmas. Absolutely brilliant Christmas. Hope it is magical. If there are any family fights (apparently there are lots at Xmas time) just breath, smile and escape to your happy place (with the sparkly wine, chocolate and Xmas TV!!!) But seriously, I am sending you hugs. I love you all! Merry Christmas!!!!


Reasons To Miss America!

Posted on Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Ok, a couple of weeks ago, Scott Bryan posted '18 Things You Will Miss If You're a Brit In America'. I laughed a long happily to this article but, I have to admit, I miss America terribly. Even things I used to complain about in America, I MISS!!!!!!!

So here is:-

18 Things You Will Miss If You're a Brit Who Has Just Returned From America

The People

I have to start by saying the people are amazing. They are incredible human beings and I love all the amazing friends I made in America dearly. It wouldn't have been the same without them and I love them to pieces. I will take about how lovely Americans are in general below but I am not talking about all the lovely friends, American or not, I made in UCSD. They were amazing. I have made some friends for life and I miss them so very much.

 The Weather

It was sunny in San Diego. It was pretty much sunny all of the time. I adored it. I seriously get sad and depressed when it is cold (SAD disorder potentially?). I hate getting so cold that my fingers turn purple. I hate wrapping in so many layers that I look like a right chubby chap. I hate having to take off all those layers the moment I get into the warmth. I hate having to have tissues at hand as when I change from a drastically cold temperature to a warm one, my nose begins to run (sorry too much info?). I hate scarring myself with hot water bottles every winter as I press them up against my skin and they leave ugly purple lines up and down my body. And I hate not being able to eat yummy cold foods like yoghurt or the occasional ice cream.

SAN DIEGO WAS WARM AND GLORIOUS! You felt on top of the world. The sun was constantly in sight and you could feel the warmth of it all around you. People smiled. People were happy. No one was really shivering. And if they were, all they had to do was put a cardigan on. Not quite the same back here in freezing cold England.

The Salads

America had such interesting salads on their menus. I am not joking, even the University diners were full of yummy salads and interesting foods. In England, it pretty much is 'Caesar Salad or Tuna Nicoise?'. Andy and I have taken to making our own healthy salads as both of these are calorie-laden in England. Furthermore, despite salads being expensive in America, they are MORE expensive in England. To get an interesting one for dinner will cost you around £5 at the supermarket. In a restaurant, £9-14. They always make it the most expensive thing on the menu! Now all my friends just stare at me when I say "I'll have the soup please." Only healthy equivalent on there even if it is on the starters menu. Once England restaurants cotton onto this however, that price will soon soar. Oh and Shrimp salads in America were not a 'crazy' thing. Here, if you want prawns with anything it'll usually cost about £3 more. WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

The Beach

La Jolla Shores 

Brighton Beach

Need I say more? Yes? Ok. Well the first beach is beautiful, sand beneath your toes, sun in the sky, very cold sea but hey you'll dry off when you get out of it.
Brighton beach. THOSE ARE STONES. A stony beach. That is all we have in England. STONY BEACHES. You want to walk barefoot? Go on then, see how long you can manage before hopping in pain as one embeds itself into the soles of your feel or you stub your toe. Or just until you can't stand the uncomfortableness of the stones beneath your feet. Also those people are wearing clothes - jeans, hats and gloves. And they are not going to dare go in the water because they will freeze and when they get out they will freeze. ALSO this is a very rare occasion - the sun is out and it is not raining. 


All you need is a Ralphs card and you get discounts on the food. Why doesn't England have this? I have a Tesco clubcard but have never received my supposed voucher booklets in the post. I have rung Tesco twice asking where it is and I have had a clubcard for four years. That is a lot of points I must have stocked up and a lot of 'monthly voucher' booklets but I still have not received a single one. :( Ralphs - so much easier. Also they have such a range of cooler foods. So many types of cereal, so many types of diet drinks, so many types of everything. They have everything. The new Tesco layouts are good and clearly trying to mimic the amazing American supermarket....but it still isn't quite Ralphs. 

Free Buses For Students

This little b**ch of a bus was the bane of my life during second year. I lived in South Leamington so at least I got a seat in the morning, but it took forever to get to University and often students had to wait for three buses to pass before getting on. They were OBSCENELY EXPENSIVE - you usually got a bus pass for some ridiculous price, and went you registered for it, they didn't save your data so if you lost it, you had to pay the full price all over again - and they were always late. ALWAYS. And waiting on freezing cold morning, when everything is frosted over at 5.30am isn't a pleasant thing. The buses in UCSD were regular, free and the bus drivers were nice! They would talk to you. In Warwick, my friend Chloe actually had three bus drivers removed from our route because they were so rude to her and she kicked up a fuss. Glad to not be travelling on these anymore. 
(slight benefit of English buses vs American buses - no homeless people are on them who will try and sell you things because the buses are really too expensive for them to afford it).

American People

They are just so nice in general. Americans always want to talk to you, they don't avoid eye contact, they smile if you open a door for them and they are nice people. They wish you a nice day. They are considerate. Yeah. Some people may think it is all fake....but hey, that's nicer than being greeted by sulky silent people.

American Shop Assistants

I know, I know. I am a hypocrite. I did a blog last year about how awkward it was being greeted by happy shop assistants who wanted to help you with everything. Well....look I'd still feel uncomfortable if they followed me around and tried to make me buy something. I do like being left to my own devices. BUT English shop assistants are usually so miserable. They disappear so you can't ask anyone for help if you need to find something. They run a mile if they see you trying to catch their eye and they are so sulky and grumpy when you try and pay for something. "Oh ok, so if you really don't want me in your shop, I just won't buy this shall I?" It is a bit of a nightmare.

UCSD Gym/ Swimming Pool was Free and Beautiful

Enough said really. Everywhere in England, the gym is crowded, smelly and extremely expensive (although I have just joined Gym Group who are so cheap and have such amazing equipment so thank you Gym Group). Gyms with pools are over priced and filled with grannies who can't swim or just people who can't swim who want to socialise and not swim. SWIMMING IS A SPORT. IT IS A GREAT WAY TO TONE UP AND BURN CALORIES. You wouldn't just chat leisurely whilst running on a treadmill so have some respect for other people's hard sports You may see it as a 'cool-down' after a gym session but some people are trying to work up a sweat.

This is UCSD's pool and it really is this empty. All the time....well apart from at weekends. It usually is this empty during the week. I love it. And it is outside!! Beautiful! 

This isn't Warwick Swimming Pool but this IS similar to how I feel Warwick swimming pool looks. Crowded and dirty. And lots of people talking. No lanes. Great....

American TV Shows

I actually get to watch the shows on time. They are shown on time and I don't have to wait three weeks to watch them, like in England. I also don't have all the story lines spoiled online by the time I watch them. I find it really unfair that Americans get British shows on the same day they are shown in Britain but British people have to wait a month! But if you are in America...well it is a great advantage. And their shows are advertised on huge billboards so you can always pick a new one to watch and find out about new shows easily. Also American TV is full of short comedy sketches, only 30 minutes long. Brilliant!

Bolba Tea

This is slowly starting to appear in England, but it is not a widespread phenomena like it is in England. BOLBA is so amazing. I used to have Bolba Hibiscus Tea. I haven't had any bolba since I got home :( I miss it. Hibiscus Tea is also amazing. So refreshing and healthy. However, there seems to be no such thing in England. Whenever I type it into supermarket store websites, it only offers me Strawberry and Raspberry tea. I love Bolba. I miss it so much. So chewy and yummy. 


Do I really need to say anymore?? Smores are amazing. I only had them like three times but oh my gosh they tasted good. By a campfire on the beach. Lovely. I did this with Laura on the third day of having known her. It was night time and it was just really nice. I was a bit scared of having the smores as other people had brought the foods but they let us have them. Definitely an American tradition you should not miss out on. 

American Accent

I love it. I love all the american accents. There is something so positive and energetic about them. Beautiful. I love all the different tones from all over America. I shouldn't be surprised that Americans have such varied accents as a Londoner doesn't sound anything like a Liverpudlian and we have an even smaller country. But I just didn't expect such varied accents. It is kind of wonderful. 

American Responses To Your Own Accents

Everyone is so nice about the English accent. They say you sound posh all the time, get you to repeat words and are just lovely. I love that sometimes they completely don't understand what you have been saying but they nod along anyway. They sometimes even get the totally wrong end of the stick because they think you mean something else. I just find it funny and a really good way to bond. You can't help but laugh like idiots when it happens and it really is something amazing. 

The X

They don't do X's at the end of their texts or messages. It is so sweet that they don't tell you they have no clue about what you're saying with the 'x' at the end of the message till you are way into your friendship. They usually give you a smiley face which is also very sweet sign off gesture.

The Doggies
Americans love their doggies. They are so cute. They are big fluffy and cuddly. Or they are teeny and are so adorable and travel via their owner's handbag. I just love how much they love animals out there. They are adorable. They are so cute. And they are worshipped by their owners. They take them to lectures for goodness sake! Furthermore, you don't see as many aggressive dogs out and about. Often one sees known aggressive dogs in the streets in London. Now I am a firm believer that it is the owner that makes the dogs bad or good but sometimes one should be more careful when buying a dog who is known to be more aggressive and violent. And I am not sure why so many people in England are prone to buying known aggressive dogs??? 

The Theme Parks

I mean look at it! Look at it! It is beautiful!!! So magical. It fills you with joy and makes you so happy. I just love it so much. DISNEY LAND/ DISNEY WORLD. They are both amazing. So if California Park and Universal Studios. Oh and Knotsberry Farm. They are all amazing. They are huge with so many different rides and so many places to eat and to try new things. Each is so different and their individual way and they bring back so many happy memories of my childhood.

England has roughly three main Theme Parks - Thorpe Park, Alton Towers and Legoland. They are good. Don't get me wrong they are good. And I enjoy them a lot. But they don't have that magical touch. They aren't filled with sunshine and happy families. Usually English weather spoils the day and then half the rides have to shut...yeah. And they rip you off a lot! America does that too but it kind of feels worth it...and dollars aren't really money anywhere! Are they?! 

The Range of California Food On Your Doorstep

California food is amazing. Like really amazing. And there is such a variety. Yes I live near London and there are many different types of cuisine. However, in Bushey and at University there isn't much choice. At Uni, there is pizza (as always), baguettes and pub food available. In Bushey there is the traditional Chinese and Indian food. England is full of Chinese and Indian restaurants. Oh and wannabe Italian restaurants - basically Pizza but from a fancier place than Dominoes. In California, there was Japanese, Chinese, Vegetarian, American, Mexican and European ALL ON CAMPUS. I mean within a twenty minute walk and it was good food. Yummy food. Sometimes a tad unhealthy but if you have everything in moderation it is fine :).

Also there were new things I had never tried. Bubble tea? Sprinkles Cupcakes? I mean amazing foods that were such treats! Such yummy special things. There was 'WholeFoods' which allowed you to buy the yummiest food to put in your salads. I loved it. Now I am living off Baked Beans on Toast and crackers (yep it is healthy and way cheaper and I am losing weight isn't no where as much fun!!!!). 

Anyway I've probably missed a gazillion things. I really have. And I miss America a lot. SO MUCH. Too much to put in a list. I miss it a lot. But I am glad I have finished this list :) 

Sorry it took so long. It's hard to put things into categories. I want to list so many things. Like lots of little things but they are personal :) and not everyone who appreciate them probably. 

So YES AMERICA IS AMAZING. Don't diss it! x




Posted on Thursday, 5 December 2013

This year, I am blessed with amazing lecturers. However, I have not been so successful in previous years. And neither have any of my friends. It is quite a shock going from School to University. It is an even grater shock when you realise that sometimes....your lecturers really don't care about you. My sister is just experiencing this as she enters her first year of University. And my boyfriend is getting extremely upset as in his final and most important year, none of lecturers appear to care (for multiple reasons I will not go into)

Which is a reason why I believe teachers should get a higher salary than lecturers. Teachers don't have a high salary. They don't get to do their own research. No. Instead they work continual for the students. Their jobs and reputations are on the line if their class doesn't get good grades. So they work hard. They push their students and want to help them. This is quite evident with the recent two series 'Educating Essex' and 'Educating Yorkshire' which focus on quite 'rough' schools and the teachers never give up. Teachers go through so much physical and emotional strain. At the end of the day, they don't get to switch off, they do lesson plans, mark work and do more reading into what they are required to teach. They also spend time with their students. Offering to do extra revision sessions, helping students with their personal problems and offering to grade extra practice papers.

They also have to work with students who don't want to be there. They have to deal with it, inspire them and motivate them. They have to get students the grades they don't realise they need for future life. Those students who want to leave school the moment they can don't realise many jobs require them to have school qualifications, no matter what job it is. So teachers work with troublesome students, bothersome students, uncaring students and try and inspire them and get them the grades sometimes they almost try not to get. Lecturers are dealing with students who have applied to go to University and want to be there. They have chosen higher education as a route.




Posted on Sunday, 1 December 2013

Hello December!!!

I love December, don't you? The excitement running up to Christmas, the festive cheer in the air, the decorations. And you can't actually stand it being cold because it is Christmas soon so that makes it worthwhile. The chill actually adds to the Christmas spirit. That is something I missed in America actually. In California, I didn't really feel the Christmas Spirit. It was all about Thanksgiving and Halloween but not really Christmas, which seemed odd coming from England :). Maybe that was just because it was sunny all the time but I just didn't see as many decorations or things like that. (On that note, still working on that really big blog I mentioned a few blogs ago).



November 30th - Bring Me December

November has been ok. I have enjoyed parts of it and have loved being so close to Andy all the time but....there's been so much work.

So much of my life has just been filled with stress since the start of Uni and it's driving me slightly insane. I dream work, sleep work, wake up and immediately think of work. And now I am planning on working all Christmas to get ahead in my degree. Groan. But I know it is necessary otherwise I won't have Easter to revise - it'll just all be about my dissertation and long essays and I can't have that clutter my revision time.

I posted a picture the other day saying 'Woooop crazy Friday night out....Not' and it was me working. Apparently I am letting students down everywhere but not going out partying but I don't think that is the case at all. I have had three years of occasional partying (first year I had a year of constant partying pretty much) and I don't want to do it anymore. Second year I didn't go out really either as when the year counts, I work hard. And that means not going out partying. It saves money and it also means I feel less like I am flushing my student fees down the toilet. Why pay all that money for Uni to go out partying and damage my degree in anyway?

 Also if you think your real friends are the ones you party with you are sorely wrong. I realised this a long time ago but drunken buddies does not mean your best friends for life. Your best friends are the ones who make you crack up when you are just in your PJs. The ones who make you smile even if they are miles away :)

Also I have got really picky about wine. It's my mother in me. "it's not Sparkling wine? Then what the hell is the point in wasting calories on it?" That is literally what goes through my head!!! I am so snobby when it comes to drink :( I mean I still occasionally get the House Rose in the Dirty Duck but when I had it recently after not having had it for ages it tasted disgusting! Oh expensive taste :( will be the death of me :(

Also going out costs so much!!! I not only usually get the taxi for people (and they never remember to pay me back! Convient), but drinks, entry and everything else is just expensive. To dance around in a club of sweaty people. And right now, it's cold! SO COLD! Why would I go outside in weather like this!!!! Much prefer staying inside and having a good night with television, good conversation and friends than do the former.

I sound like an old woman. Old age is coming fast *Head in hands* x